RE: Did U Know?

If you have notifications sent to another e-mail you can avoid checking the Friends Request box you will recieve a new notificaiton on the other e-mail address.[/
Yep I do that, but, I read mails and requests while I'm here, then go back to check my outlook express and find notifications e-mails and think I've got new ones when I have already read them here. Aaaaaaah.
It's my age, leave me alone, I'll be ok :)

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RE: Did U Know?

If you ignore a Friend request the sender will recieve the message " This user allready has a friend request from you" (or something to that effect). I am not sure how long it lasts but it may help avoid some harrassment.
Sorry have to correct myself. The user recieves that message if they try to send you another request. If you deny the request they recieve no notification unless you respond and they can send you another request after you have denied the first.

Thanks, now I'm confused again.....

Well that's a relief Steve, for a minute there I thought you were becoming computer literate. lol

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RE: Did U Know?

Don't ASK!

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RE: Did U Know?

Don't ASK!

OK, I won't.


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RE: Did U Know?

Did U Know?If you click on "Nudists" (next to Home at the top left) select Sort By "Login Date" go down and click on "Search Anywhere" you can see who is on line, and who's in the chat room.If you go "My Account" "Sent" (in your Contact Manager) you can see if the message you sent has been read yet.Had an A-HAR! ...moment? it here for the Newbies.

Thanks so much for that...I am still stumbling my way around this place

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RE: Did U Know?

Did U Know? If you click on "Nudists" (next to Home at the top left) select Sort By "Login Date" go down and click on "Search Anywhere" you can see who is on line, and who's in the chat room. If you go "My Account" "Sent" (in your Contact Manager) you can see if the message you sent has been read yet. Had an A-HAR! ...moment? it here for the Newbies.
Thanks so much for that...I am still stumbling my way around this place
No problem, I know how you feel, when I got here, there were only 1800 members. No FAQ's to speak of and a lot of the posts were religious. Navigation was a real pain. I very nearly went home!
Soooooooo glad I didn't!!!!!!
Oh, go find some more tips in my Computer Club group.
Computer Club.


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RE: Answer to geovee's question.

geovee said on another thread:
First of all I think this is a really great site anyway my ? is how if you want to how would you delete a friend or if you wish you remove a photo from your photos I do not see a way of doing this is it passable. George
Look to the topright and click on "My Account", scroll down about half way, and just above the Update Status button, you will see Edit My "Profile" "Pictures" "Friends" Comments" "Locations" "Visits". Click on pics (you might have to wait for them to load) under each pic are your options. Just click on delete. Go back to Edit My and click on "Friends" beside each username is an X, just click on it to remove friend.

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RE: Did U Know?

If you mail someone, you can see in your sent folder if they have read it or not, but did you know, that if they then delete it, it will also disappear from your sent folder. You will then have no record of ever having written to them and you might be left wondering if they actually received it, if you didn't check the sent folder soon after you sent it.

Didn't know that, thanks mate. It's interesting how every website has it's quirks and on every one there's guys like you figuring them out. lol...fantastic and much appreciated.
Hey Swift, don't be giving Phil a bigger head than he alresdy has :o) So then Mr "know it all Phil", WHY can I not get any 'Locations' on my page?

What???? Phil a big head???? Never happen !!!!! LOL Not our one and only (for now) SUPER NUDIST !!!!!!!


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RE: Did U Know?

WOW! there are a lot of people logged in right now.

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RE: Did U Know?

Ya learn somethin every day!

Cna yuo raed tihs?
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but teh wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

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