RE:Today at the rec center...

And carefully selected.Of course no one looks good compared to an air brushed and surgically enhanced porn model.You have 10,000 pieces of fruit on the trees in your orchard and select five that seem closest to perfection. And then you paint those.

Yeah, no one looks good by comparison.

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RE:Today at the rec center...

So far, I have not encounter anyone who asked me being naked in the communal shower room in the Rec Center where I belong. Although, not everyone shower naked. Its ridiculous to see men showering with their shorts on. Why are they afraid to be naked in the shower. Living in Canada and during wi yet time, the rev Center is the only time that I can enjoy being naked with other naked men.

I also visit the Rec Center on another city on a weekly basis as I have a good friend that I go to the gym with on the weekend. Their Rec Center whirlpool and sauna are open now which is what is very inviting to go to. We spend at least 15-20 mins in the whirlpool naked with other naked men and 100% naked in the sauna as well although there are some men who goes to the sauna with their towels wrapped in their waist. So far, I dont see any younger men at all who goes to the communal shower or uses the whirlpool or sauna. Mostly are men my age 50+ and older. This is all new to me which I embarked on for the past year and now, it became a norm to be naked in the communal shower in the rec Center. I dont know about those big commercial gyms like LA fitness etc. But I like the rec Center better. Less crowded and no men who thinks they are always in a body building competition carrying their big ego in their head lol. The best time to spend time naked since weather still cold here in Toronto.

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RE:Today at the rec center...

And carefully selected.Of course no one looks good compared to an air brushed and surgically enhanced porn model.You have 10,000 pieces of fruit on the trees in your orchard and select five that seem closest to perfection. And then you paint those.Yeah, no one looks good by comparison.

The plain fact of the matter is that really porn stars don't even look like porn stars. Whether surgically enhanced or genetically gifted, even the best of the best still get in each frame: professional hair and make up, spray tanning, waxing (for a bit of muscle shine), professional lighting, a talented camera man who knows exactly the angle and distance to shoot from so that everything looks as big or as small as you want it to, and on and on. Bigger production companies often spring for a bit of spray on muscle contouring to go with the tans - just like Hollywood does

I'm not saying the porn stars aren't extra good looking than most; I'm saying that not even they really live up to the standard they project..

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