Looking for Private Room/Guest House/Apartment to Rent - LA

Trying this again. Been looking for a place to rent that's safe and within a reasonable price range. Looking to spend no more than $1,200. Looking in the Los Angeles area, preferably somewhere relatively quiet, and away from the noise of the city.

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RE:Looking for Private Room/Guest House/Apartment to Rent - LA

I have a large house that I typically rent out a room or 2. Currently it is only me but now that the COVID situation is better I would like to find a roommate, preferably a nudist. I am located in the hills above Camarillo, there is an indoor heated pool, hot tub, private yard, in a very quiet neighborhood. $850/month including all utilities

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RE:Looking for Private Room/Guest House/Apartment to Rent - LA

I have a nice, big, quiet home in Santa Clarita...... if you're still looking, send me a message.

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RE:Looking for Private Room/Guest House/Apartment to Rent - LA

I have a private room for rent in Santa Clarita. Live in Vista Canyon apartments and would like a roommate that is a nudist as well

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