RE:Most daring?

Driving around town naked is pretty much standard for me. I have walked out to get the mail in the early evening, I have stopped on the side of the highway and walked around to passenger side then stripped and walked back to driver's side. I want to fill up at a gas station but haven't done that yet. I got naked at a large road side park and walked around naked then back to car. Also want to go through a drive thru but that is next on my list. Any suggestions.

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RE:Most daring?

(With apologies to The Irish Rovers)

"A long time ago, when the earth was still green,
There were more kinds of animals than you've ever seen.
While the earth was being born, they would run around free
And the chubby, little NAKED guy with them...was ME!"

In a lifetime of loving nudity, and combining that with my penchant for exhibitionism, I have done, and continue to do, quite a few "daring" things, like put my bins to the curb on Fridays, nude, and drive around town and on the freeway nude. As the years (and the experiences) have gone by, I have gotten more and more comfortable being naked and being seen. However, in the spirit of THIS thread, I think perhaps one of my early experiences might qualify as the most daring thing I had done, at that point.

Back in the early 90's, I belonged to a chat group/site that liked to do dares. (See the "Game & Challenge" thread in this group.) As members completed a dare, they would come to the site and post comments on the experience. The most popular posts were those with photos, as proof of the completed dare.

Late one evening/early one morning, I convinced my wife to accompany me to several locations around town and take photos of me, naked, to be posted on the site. I put on my birthday suit, we got in the car...and off we went! The dares I wanted to document were: by a soda machine; at a car wash; in front of a shop. I did those, and one EXTRA photo, of me on a jet ski that was for sale, sitting on the corner of an empty lot. The photos were taken with the very first digital camera I owned (Koday 210) and it didn't perform too well in the low light conditions, but the photos DID serve as "proof" that I had done the dares.

I remember feeling nervous, THRILLED and excited, and determined... all at the same time! Getting naked and taking photos in a public place, knowing the photos would be posted on line and SEEN by "others" was a first-time experience for me... and I LOVED it!

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RE:Most daring?

I remember feeling nervous, THRILLED and excited, and determined... all at the same time! Getting naked and taking photos in a public place, knowing the photos would be posted on line and SEEN by "others" was a first-time experience for me... and I LOVED it!"

I agree, Tanner. This brings back many memories. Being naked in places that are not naked-friendly is always a rush. I have forgotten more than I remember. There passed a time when my being became oblivious to not being nude and I wanted.......needed to be seen.
I am very cautious when I think youngsters are around but, everyone else is fair game!

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RE:Most daring?

Hi, Rosewood. I appreciate your comments...and can TOTALLY agree! I think there comes a time in our nudist journey when there is a decided desire to be seen by others. The desire may be subconscious but, in reality, it is part of the thrill of being nude in public places. Some MAKE IT happen, while others of us just LET IT happen "accidentally".

I'm reminded of an incident that happened when I was leaving my university campus late one night, after working on a lab project. As I was walking toward my car I noticed some workers in the building across the street had gathered at the windows and were pointing at something on the street in front of me. As I got near my car a young man came walking by...totally nude. The workers in the window had obviously spotted him earlier and were watching him brazenly walk down the sidewalk. As he passed me, he said "hello" and I said "hi" and turned to watch him walk away. I had a strong desire to run to my car, get naked, and go JOIN HIM...but I wasn't BRAVE enough, in those days, to actually do it! IF that had happened a bit later in my "journey", I might have!

Here are another couple of of photos of me, doing some dare/challenges from my old group on the "Bare-As-You-Dare" site...

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RE:Most daring?

Swam nude late at night in a university pool in view of friendly lifeguard. Ran nude on a trail around a lake with a public beach. As I got close to the beach I turned around, retraced my route and put on my shorts to get to the car.

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RE:Most daring?

I love naked hikes...the feeling of being free outside

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