Has anyone seen any nude rain?

It is flat dusty out there; I threw in the nude rain as a little bait. I wonder if anyone will notice? Anyway, its been about two weeks plus since we have had any rain here in our area & its as dusty as can be. The grass is covered in it, the road out front is leaving a huge trail of it & the cars looks like theres been a fire with an ash cloud. I mowed the yard today & literally had a dust bowl following me around. Here in the deep south, its always known as the dog days towards summers end & fall getting underway & is hot and dry. I think they left part of the hot out & added extra dry as a compensator. Well wait & see. Hows it for everyone else out there?

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RE:Has anyone seen any nude rain?

The backside of my property is low, woodsy, and normally wet. Almost swampy like. I call it my wildlife sanctuary. But it's been dry as a bone for several months now. I'm not sure where the critters are getting their drinking water. The nearest bayou is a quarter mile away and it's brackish. I don't know if they'd drink that. The only other source is a small stock pond across the road, almost as far as the bayou, for the horses over there. But it's right out in the wide open. You'd think I'd see a steady parade of critters coming and going there but I don't.

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