Nude Hiking Day 2024 in Georgia

I have long desired to do a nude hike but have not had the opportunity, plus there is always the fear of legal issues.
It seems that the Appalachian Trail is tolerable of nudity, particularly on Nude hiking day (June 21st).
Has anyone done this in the past and how accepted was it? Any issues with being seen by others?
Is anyone else planning a hike on NHD and if so, what is the starting point?
I may be interested in joining a group.

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RE:Nude Hiking Day 2024 in Georgia

I go nude walking in the national forest,
Still feel exposed but I like it .not been seen yet but would like a nude buddy male or female not feels great but would be better with a friend

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RE:Nude Hiking Day 2024 in Georgia

I go nude walking in the national forest,
Still feel exposed but I like it .not been seen yet but would like a nude buddy male or female not feels great but would be better with a friend

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RE:Nude Hiking Day 2024 in Georgia

I have long desired to do a nude hike but have not had the opportunity, plus there is always the fear of legal issues.It seems that the Appalachian Trail is tolerable of nudity, particularly on Nude hiking day (June 21st).Has anyone done this in the past and how accepted was it? Any issues with being seen by others?Is anyone else planning a hike on NHD and if so, what is the starting point?I may be interested in joining a group.

A small bit of experience on the AT, having lived most of my life within twenty minutes of the Rockfish Gap, where the Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway end and begin. Appalachian Trail seems like a relatively safe bet for trying the naked hiking on, but know that certain states and municipalities that it runs through may have targeted laws against the practice of non-sexually-related nudism. Federal land (National Parks) does allow some latitude when it comes to being bare, as long as the person/persons are in no way showing arousal or showing themselves off as an exhibitionist. It is not illegal if it isn't in any way sexual (and that's sort of in the eye of the beholder), so if someone complains to the authorities they will become involved in a form of arbitration to prosecute the nudist who has offended them, not something most people are willing to go through just because they saw your willy out. These days with so many cameras around, I'd bet you'll be filmed, and that would prove guilt if there's an erection to be seen.

Typically, a couple or small group attracts less problems than the lone wolf naked person; that is a guess - I have never nude hiked with someone else, nor have I ever come upon someone else nearly nude on the trail. I would relish a novelette from someone who had thru-hiked the AT without wearing clothes, but there are all sorts of logistical problems with that endeavor, I'm certain.

Personal experience has been had by me, but I was very careful most of the time, wearing a long shirt with tails that would hang below 'the gents', and something I could draw closed and even button up if I came up on a family hiking toward me. Most people are pretty oblivious to other hikers and don't take a second glance - a couple or a group of adults have turned around and looked back at my retreating buns that would at times be visible (and yes, I had to look back at them as well to witness it), but that might have begun a conversation between them, not begin proceedings involving a judge. And of course a long shirt isn't nude - but the wind can still blow past my man parts and remind me of the scene, mostly fulfilling my need to be natural in the natural world, and once I got onto my spur trail off the AT and up to my nude perch for tanning and writing, I'd be bare and happy! If you live in or are visiting the Charlottesville area of America and you want the milepost on the Skyline Drive where I went the most times and was never ever bothered by anyone, pop me a private message and it's yours.

Don't be shy - if you're heading onto fed land and entering a Nat. Park, ask the ranger about local ordinances as you enter, and don't drive up to the ranger station nude, ya dolt! They will know if there are any prohibitive local or state rules in place, regardless of their personal feelings, but your research before leaving home is strongly warranted as well. National Nude Hiking Day has been getting more press; some good, most
little more that a pointing finger like a ten year old and saying "Look daddy, I see her boobies! She's a pervert!" Be a good advocate for overall nudism, don't end up being the stiff willy who weakens the cause of wholesome nudism because you can't contain yourself. We all benefit when every single nudist maintains an appropriate level of decorum while in the 'public' arena.

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RE:Nude Hiking Day 2024 in Georgia

Well said. I tried WNHD last year solo chose a 7 mole loop trail , saw about a dozen people in all 1 freaked out, strangely in my opinion he was the youngest person a met! I just greeted him and moved on. One other guy wanted to warn me about bugs and sun exposure.... really? I thought that was odd also. Everyone else was supportive , smiling and greeting me happily. I would love to find someone or a group to go with this year i think there is strength in numbers.

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RE:Nude Hiking Day 2024 in Georgia

Well said. I tried WNHD last year solo chose a 7 mole loop trail , saw about a dozen people in all 1 freaked out, strangely in my opinion he was the youngest person a met! I just greeted him and moved on. One other guy wanted to warn me about bugs and sun exposure.... really? I thought that was odd also. Everyone else was supportive , smiling and greeting me happily. I would love to find someone or a group to go with this year i think there is strength in numbers.

Was the one young person male? From my experience, younger males are much less comfortable when seeing a nude male than older ones are.

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RE:Nude Hiking Day 2024 in Georgia


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RE:Nude Hiking Day 2024 in Georgia

Every summer solstice, there is a relatively large group that hikes in southern Vermont that I've joined a few times when my schedule allows. There is also a New England Freehikers group here that is relatively active.
It's true that there is a better reception to more than one nude dude on the trail - mixed company is even better - though I have never had a problem in my 3-4 hikes/season. That said, I always freehike in Vermont where there are only a couple of town ordinances against nudity and no general restrictions at a state or federal level.
it is generally accepted along the AT, at least in the northeast, that nude hikers will be seen on the solstice. I have never heard of this being a problem for the hikers, though there are some snarky blog posts about it, written by textiles.

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RE:Nude Hiking Day 2024 in Georgia

I live 2miles from the AT and want to try the nude walk on June 15,I am 72 year old male married ,
Have always loved unde walking where no you could see me but would love to do the nude thing

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