Exercise Bike

One of my wife's friends gave us an exercise bike she no longer uses.
Good way to work out nude at home.

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RE:Exercise Bike

Tried it with a towel, Comfortable but boring. Need a tv or at least music.

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RE:Exercise Bike

Fotunately my exercise bike came with a monitor. So I can use ride workouts from various apps or YouTube, watch scenic spots while riding, or watch my favorite t.v. shows, music videos or listen to playlist. So never boring. I wish someone had a game type riding app to gamily the experience that is all that is missing.

Tried it with a towel, Comfortable but boring. Need a tv or at least music.

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RE:Exercise Bike

It is a great workout!

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RE:Exercise Bike

It is a great workout!

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RE:Exercise Bike

Did 20 minute 180 ride (up the hill and down the other side ) this morning was all I had time for before starting my work day. Burned 150 calories over 4.9 miles averaging 90 rpm. I forgot to save my results card, oh well. A ride like that used to leave me gassed but though there was a burn at points I was surprised how when I did. Maybe my cardio is improving.

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RE:Exercise Bike

One ride at a time and things get better!

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RE:Exercise Bike

It is a great workout!

And a good way to prepare for a WNBR!

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RE:Exercise Bike

If I ever get the to to go to one
And a good way to prepare for a WNBR!

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RE:Exercise Bike

If I ever get the to to go to oneAnd a good way to prepare for a WNBR!

Don't know where you live Michigan, but there are WNBRs in Chicago and Columbus.

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RE:Exercise Bike

Don't know where you live Michigan, but there are WNBRs in Chicago and Columbus.

Columbus to far and the political climate as it relates to public nudity in Ohio doesnt attract me. Been trying to get to Chicago for years came close last year but unexpected things conspired again it.

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