RE:wearing underwear

I very rarely wear underwear.

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RE:wearing underwear

No if I'm out and about I'll wear a dress or something but never underwear

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RE:wearing underwear

do you wear underwear in places where you cant be nude?

No I wear a dress or something but without knickers or a bra

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RE:wearing underwear

I no longer have any underwear, and now fortunately live naked 24 hours a day, only dress when I leave the house.

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RE:wearing underwear

When I can't be nude outside I wear Fruit of the loom pocket shorts and I buy size small so they fit snug I will remove the stitching in the crotch area just enough so my stuff can hang out when I bend over , sit or squat down. I find this close to being nude because I feel the breeze go right up my shorts and it feels great. You should try it I'm sure you'll like it.

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RE:wearing underwear

When I can't be nude outside I wear Fruit of the loom pocket shorts and I buy size small so they fit snug

Fit snug?? I would have thought that this is the opposite of what is wanted.

I have shorts that I have deliberately bought over-sized so that they're loose when worn. I may be wearing clothes but at least I'm not being strangled

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RE:wearing underwear

Haha... There are pros and cons to everything!
Tight briefs are impossible - testicles start aching after a while and penis doesn't like being squashed... Have to keep adjusting.
Boxers are comfy but they keep bunching up when worn under pants or jeans - have to keep yanking the "sleeves" down.
Commando is great but again - not very comfortable with jeans gripping your hips and the delicate bits rubbing against the rough inside seams.
So... What's a man to do. Properly sized briefs seem to work best.

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RE:wearing underwear

I wear underwear only when I go to work. I have found a brand that is very comfortable to wear and they have any style you might prefer it's called "Me Undies" they are online and sell both men's and women's underwear. FYI- they are a little pricey but well worth the added cost.

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RE:wearing underwear

I find having shorts/trousers the next size up helps a lot as they aren't so tight fitting to be uncomfy and it doesn't show so easy that I am commando and normally it is only it is with my suit I need underwear as they are slightly tight but only normally warn a few times a year.

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RE:wearing underwear

I like the thong as it slips right in my bum , underpants with clothers , but shorts in the summer I go commando.

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