RE:Uncut penis embarrassed

Other than the spelling and the lack of English grammar I would say the stupidity of this thread."I'm PROUD(?) I'm circumcised.""I'm PROUD(?) I'm NOT circumcised."WTF is there to be PROUD about?It's a penis.It is used MOSTLY to empty the bladder of urine.Find something else to make you feel proud.

The vast, absolutely staggering, immense and conclusive body of medical, sociological, biological and psychological research on the topic of penises and self esteem of males establishes that a man's penis is important to him, both in terms of his pleasure, his social status, and in how he perceives himself in relation to his peers. This isn't contentious, it's reality for most of us. I remember the bullying around it, the shame, the fear of being exposed, of thinking it, I were evil and corrupt because that is what aspects of my culture told me. What my male and female relatives told me.

Circumcision is a sacred ritual in the Jewish and Muslim faiths (I am not advocating for the process nor condemning religion), and these cultural rituals have meaning to those who practice them. And the medical establishment picked this stuff up and ran with it (we still see someone chiming in that foreskins are inherently dirty and need removal once a thread). The distinction between the man with the circ and without lies across class and cultural faultlines and it is significant to many, many men, who are suffering as a result. You see it in the thread, with one guy thinking he needs to cut off part of his body for being ugly!!! My goodness, the point of this vaunted naturism of austerity you all preach is ostensibly body pride and body acceptance, but wanting to cut part of your body off is the sign of a trauma and that is sad.

The OP is also ashamed, as are a number of other posters. So for those expressing pride, which falls again along cultural faultlines, they are expressing the attitude of gratitude against their experience of not being proud of their penis or other body parts. Yes, until we erase the conditions that create shame and guilt over something natural and important, we cannot call for an end to pride, which is also an end to fixing the shame. For many men who are new to this, their penis paranoia is emotionally crippling. It does no good to say ignore the thing (penis) it's pretty much useless, because there is apparently an aversion to even a scientific discussion of the topic.

What I find most distressing for your posting as a man is that you draw attention to the waste voiding function while ignoring the life creating pleasure giving, love bonding aspects that are what makes this organ special for men and women too. Special does not mean "objectified" or "pronographic". It means gential. As in creation. Telling men who already think their penis is useless and ugly that indeed, it is, and just pretend none of a whole social reality and body of work exists so we can "shudder" not have to have a discussion about male genitals and instead ignore the question, ignore the topic and say let's just pretend.

I know the site is filled with threads on cocks. I know for some of you it's tedious. I know that a lot of discussion is certainly across a line, but there is also a huge number of very new people who don't understand lots of nuance that others do and maybe lets support them?

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RE:Uncut penis embarrassed

PROUDadjectiveadjective: proud; comparative adjective: prouder; superlative adjective: proudestfeeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one's own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated."a proud grandma of three boys"synonyms:pleased, glad, happy, delighted, joyful, overjoyed, thrilled, satisfied, gratified, content"the proud parents beamed"PROUD of a foreskin??????

You can't be this daft. There is a man in this thread wanting to cut his off because he thinks it is ugly. Now where do you think he got that idea from? Is it a natural state of being? No, it's sociocultural. There are thousands of intact males in the US SO SHAMED by their culture that they are getting circ as adults. So, when you are taught to feel SHAME over a body part all of your life, the resulting push is to then feel PROUD of it. I don't know how else to explain basic human psychology. I remember the boys mocking the crying ones, the shame they felt, the cruelty of adults around this issue. You may have grown up without it, and if you did, brilliant. So yes, when you have been mocked and hurt and humiliated over something, is the solution just to let it fester and do nothing? What else do you suggest someone affected by these issues do? If not self love, or pride, then what?

If we are going to get rid of the objectification of bodies and body parts, we cannot just throw out the positive ones, the negative ones must go too. And we're a long way from that.

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RE:Uncut penis embarrassed

Hell! I am jealous!

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RE:Uncut penis embarrassed

Im neither proud nor embarrassed by my member or is cut state. There are an equal number of people that prefer one over the other and also an equal number that like the like of cut or uncut. Curiously, people feel the same way about body hair. While I "prefer" the physical appearance of cut over uncut, I don't discriminate between the two. I am however not in the least bothered that I wasn't given a choice in the decision to be circumcised. Circumcision was the norm back in the time of black and white television. In reality, I dont think about it, except when the subject comes up. Thirty years ago, I wouldn't have thought twice about whether or not to have a child of mine circumcised. Today, I would probably pass.

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RE:Uncut penis embarrassed

"Im neither proud nor embarrassed by my member or is cut state. There are an equal number of people that prefer one over the other and also an equal number that like the like of cut or uncut. Curiously, people feel the same way about body hair. While I "prefer" the physical appearance of cut over uncut, I don't discriminate between the two. I am however not in the least bothered that I wasn't given a choice in the decision to be circumcised. Circumcision was the norm back in the time of black and white television. In reality, I dont think about it, except when the subject comes up. Thirty years ago, I wouldn't have thought twice about whether or not to have a child of mine circumcised. Today, I would probably pass."

Right on target, could not have said it better myself!

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RE:Uncut penis embarrassed

"Im neither proud nor embarrassed by my member or is cut state. There are an equal number of people that prefer one over the other and also an equal number that like the like of cut or uncut. Curiously, people feel the same way about body hair. While I "prefer" the physical appearance of cut over uncut, I don't discriminate between the two. I am however not in the least bothered that I wasn't given a choice in the decision to be circumcised. Circumcision was the norm back in the time of black and white television. In reality, I dont think about it, except when the subject comes up. Thirty years ago, I wouldn't have thought twice about whether or not to have a child of mine circumcised. Today, I would probably pass."

Right on target, could not have said it better myself!

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RE:Uncut penis embarrassed

Fuck that uncut is the one

This is Annie of SamAndAnnie

That of course is YOUR obscene opinion. I totally disagree with you. I love a clean cut one.

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RE:Uncut penis embarrassed

I was in a private high school and all except two of us in my class were uncut. They used to make fun of me and my friend. Now, some of those friends that I still stay in contact with have boys and are uncut. I'm glad with to be natural.

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RE:Uncut penis embarrassed

I remember when I first started showering after PE in 7th grade, I felt some concern at being uncut. But as I think about it now, probably 60% were uncut in our rural area in the mid 50s. My dad showed me how to keep myself clean at an early age. I am very fastidious about cleanliness. I wear my foreskin retracted much of the time for hygiene but like the appearance both ways. I guess I can have the best of both worlds.

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RE:Uncut penis embarrassed

I get embrassed in public or the locker room. I will probaby get cut soon.

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