RE:The church and nudism

Why not join us in the satanic temple we're working on destroying the Catholic church and all that it stands for. I've been a member of several satanic organizations I can tell you that there is a lot of nudity going on and it ain't no big deal and a lot of it's not sexual, it's ritual also we don't care what you wear that's the whole point. "Do what that will shall be the whole of the law." Nudism is about choice, freedom, personal agency these are anathema to the church. Ave Satanas

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RE:The church and nudism

I feel as though your glossing over the thousands of women burned at the stake but you know Christians whatever

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RE:The church and nudism

I feel as though your glossing over the thousands of women burned at the stake but you know Christians whatever

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RE:The church and nudism

I feel as though your glossing over the thousands of women burned at the stake but you know Christians whatever

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RE:The church and nudism

I'm in the backwards Savage ones hence the church

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RE:The church and nudism

My experience is that the Christian church isn't the problem, organized religion is.
There is a part of Christianity called panentheism, that the spirit of God is embedded in nature, that appeals to me a lot. It's an idea adopted from pagan ideals which also include pantheism, that God=nature.
So I attended a three day pagan retreat to celebrate the summer solstice. I was shocked how it was open to being skyclad, but only for women. I tried to attend a sweat lodge ritual naked but the woman in charge was so misandristic that she considered my penis a sexual weapon of violence. I was also mistaken how unhealthy and junk-food munching participants were. Not any closer to nature than your average church basement gathering. It's an American thing.

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RE:The church and nudism

I feel as though your glossing over the thousands of women burned at the stake but you know Christians whatever

Not denying it happened or even calling it the lesser of two evils, but the Muslim record with women is much worse.

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RE:The church and nudism

It's a figure of speechin the old testament where it talks about not uncovering your sister's nakednessthat has as much to do with nakedness as "don't sleep with your sister" has to do with sleeping.

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RE:The church and nudism

stoneandy wrote:

My experience is that the Christian church isn't the problem, organized religion is.There is a part of Christianity called panentheism, that the spirit of God is embedded in nature, that appeals to me a lot. It's an idea adopted from pagan ideals which also include pantheism, that God=nature.

Pantheism isn't a part of Christianity per se, which subscribes to a single God. It's the default for most other religious practices, though. (Please don't ask me to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity in Catholicism. The best explanation I got from a teacher in Sunday school was that one wasn't supposed to understand it, because it's beyond a human's grasp. I found that to be a weak defense.)

I tried to attend a sweat lodge ritual naked but the woman in charge was so misandristic that she considered my penis a sexual weapon of violence.

Was it specified that the sweat lodge ritual was to be only for women? If so, it was the prerogative of the woman in charge to determine that you were not to participate. (It is possible that the woman wanted to use the ritual as aspace for women to discuss how they'd been mistreated by men, and having a man in their company would doubtlessly hampered that.)If not, you were unfairly treated.

Next year, set up your own sweat lodge, and advertise that it's coed.

I was also mistaken how unhealthy and junk-food munching participants were. Not any closer to nature than your average church basement gathering. It's an American thing.

I've seen that, too. The guiding principle in many of these organizations is to lead by peer pressure, not by mandate. You take the people as they come, doing what they do, and guide them to a different attitude and life-style more in tune with yours. It works for some people and organizations, and not for others.

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RE:The church and nudism

Pantheism isn't a part of Christianity per se, which subscribes to a single God. It's the default for most other religious practices, though.Was it specified that the sweat lodge ritual was to be only for women? The guiding principle in many of these organizations is to lead by peer pressure, not by mandate. You take the people as they come, doing what they do, and guide them to a different attitude and life-style more in tune with yours. It works for some people and organizations, and not for others.

PanENtheism can be part of Christianity. One God's spirit is in nature, as exemplified in the hymn "How Great Thou Art." Another Christian perspective on nature is dominionism, which basically means to go ahead and exploit the hell out of nature, it's all in humans' dominion.

The sweat lodge was advertised as coed, but it didn't advertise itself as male hostile. Given the strong militant feminist, greasy fast food munching pagan culture I encountered, I didn't relate to it as a place to return to.

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