Single Men and Nudism

Hello all,
I know this subject matter has been discussed to the moon and back, but I was simply wondering why so many resorts are so closed-minded and backward with regards to their policies toward single men.
In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King gave a famous speech where he said that it was his dream for people "not to be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character". The same can be said here with regards to the relationship status of our male members; is it really fair to those of us who aren't pervs to lump us in with the others simply on account of our relationship status?
The irony is that perhaps the biggest sexual predators on this site are NOT the single men, but rather the married swingers. Wouldn't it make sense that people looking to have casual sex with others would have more transparent motives than the singles simply looking to relax and enjoy their time?
I understand that there have regretablly been a few bad eggs in the bunch, but why not throw out the rotten eggs while keeping the good ones? I propose an alternative system; how about requiring all resort-goers to have AANR membership and each member would have a file where incidents like gawking would be recorded and held against them when they try to check in at the resorts. How about a "review" system where owners of the resorts would rate their guests's behavior on a scale from 1-10, and each resort could have a minimum quality score for admission.
Perhaps the said rating could be displayed on sites such as this one, and then as opposed to simply stating "NO SINGLE MALES", these narrow minded folks could simply require a minimum rating in order to contact them. I know this is a rough idea, but it would make things a lot fairer for everyone.
Just my two cents, anyways...

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RE: Single Men and Nudism

I don't even bother going to those resorts. Just visit the local beaches wherever I am and they haven't got those silly rules and regulations. That said, I do agree with most of what you say though. We can but hope that some resort managers start using their common sense.

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RE: Single Men and Nudism

Fortunately for me the first nudist camp I went to did accept single males and it was there that I found out how comfortable it was to be nude feel the fresh air and sunshine on my body. I joined as soon as I could and then joined a lot of other nudist clubs/organizations. I did learn that some places did not accept singles and I just decided that if they did not want me I did not want to be there. Their loss, not mine as I would go elsewhere. There are a lot of places that do accept singles and I frequently go there. I came to enjoy the nudist lifestyle so much that now I live in a nudist community where single males are welcome.

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RE: Single Men and Nudism

I am single, but just because I like to be nude on a beach or resort doesn't mean that I have the right to act inappropriate when nude. I delete my nude pictures on here, because I was getting unwanted advances from people. I enjoy sex as much as the next person but there is a time and place for it. I would like to get to know the person before doing something. It seems that a lot of guys on here believe that if a lady is showing herself nude then she must be easy and wanting it. Wrong, she enjoys the freedom of being nude. Most of the guys making these advances would never do it face to face with a textile. But they hide behind the computer to say things that are inapproprate.
A nude resort is just like any other business. They cater toward a certain clienel. They would be out of business if the majority were men. Wal-Mart gets a different type of people than Nordstoms. BMW or Rolls Royce gets different people than Smart car or ford. So don't put down a business that is trying to make a living.

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RE: Single Men and Nudism

C'mon! Don't kid yourself! If you're a single male nudist, you're a total perv! Just ask the majority of people on this site. They'll tell you how you just are on here to jerk off at all the nude pictures! And the resort owners, they know how you are too! Just ask the most prominent one on here, she'll tell you too! It's only through the transformative powers of a woman that you can actually become a person of morals and character. I can only hope that someday I can get married again so I can once again become a decent human being, and stop preying on the innocent.

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RE: Single Men and Nudism

What do we mean by single? I'm single but not by choice. The laws in this country or most of this country will not allow me to marry, so while I have been with the same man for 35 years I am still single. I wonder how many clubs would let me in either because I am single or because I'm gay.

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RE: Single Men and Nudism

C'mon! Don't kid yourself! If you're a single male nudist, you're a total perv! Just ask the majority of people on this site. They'll tell you how you just are on here to jerk off at all the nude pictures! And the resort owners, they know how you are too! Just ask the most prominent one on here, she'll tell you too! It's only through the transformative powers of a woman that you can actually become a person of morals and character. I can only hope that someday I can get married again so I can once again become a decent human being, and stop preying on the innocent.

If anyone in this group really believes this posting to be true please contact me because I have some lovely ocean front beach property in Colorado that I would like to sell to you.

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RE: Single Men and Nudism

C'mon! Don't kid yourself! If you're a single male nudist, you're a total perv! Just ask the majority of people on this site. They'll tell you how you just are on here to jerk off at all the nude pictures! And the resort owners, they know how you are too! Just ask the most prominent one on here, she'll tell you too! It's only through the transformative powers of a woman that you can actually become a person of morals and character. I can only hope that someday I can get married again so I can once again become a decent human being, and stop preying on the innocent.

Very interesting comment there Fatnudist, would you dare making such a sweeping statement substituting black or female (or even fat) for single male? More than likely not, such sweeping statements are very hurtful to the majority of folks who like you just want to enjoy their lives.

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RE: Single Men and Nudism

C'mon! Don't kid yourself! If you're a single male nudist, you're a total perv! Just ask the majority of people on this site. They'll tell you how you just are on here to jerk off at all the nude pictures! And the resort owners, they know how you are too! Just ask the most prominent one on here, she'll tell you too! It's only through the transformative powers of a woman that you can actually become a person of morals and character. I can only hope that someday I can get married again so I can once again become a decent human being, and stop preying on the innocent.

If anyone in this group really believes this posting to be true please contact me because I have some lovely ocean front beach property in Colorado that I would like to sell to you.
And if they prefer I have some ocean front property in AZ to sell them.

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RE: Single Men and Nudism

Most nudist clubs are single-friendly. There are very few that are totally single male unfriendly. Over the past 16 or so years, it's become much easier for single men to visit or even belong to nudist clubs. If one of my club members wants to visit a club in another area, I've been known to call ahead for him.

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RE: Single Men and Nudism

If a sinle man desires to visit a nudist resort, always call ahead. They probably will say "Welcome." Calling ahead could save you a wasted trip.

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