RE:SO have you been busted?

Just last week I got caught. There is a secluded stream I like to skinny dip in. I never see anyone there. I was enjoying the relaxing freedom of being nude in the glorious sun when I heard voices. I quickly stepped behind some bushes and wrapped a towel around myself. It was two kayaker's coming downstream. They commented that they didn't think anyone skinnydipped there any more. They weren't fazed and continued on. One of them got hung up on a rock and was trying to free himself. I said I could help but he might get embarrassed. He said he would appreciate the help so I dropped the towel and waded out totally naked to help him off the rocks. I was OK with it and he seemed to be too.

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RE:SO have you been busted?

Yes many times over the years ... in my yard. (My property was secluded in the woods with a 1/4 mile driveway to the yards.) The first was the UPS driver needing a signature, then there was the people who hiked in the woods around me and would leave the trail and end up at my secluded place a 1/4 mile away from the trails.

There was a neighbor (lived a half mile away) who was walking her dog in the woods and he was running loose at the time. The dog came into the yard and I was sunning on the chaise reading a skin mag at the time. She came right into the yard after the dog not knowing that it was not just a clearing. There I was, full staff on my back and she stopped abruptly but kept looking. I ignored her but kept an eye on her looking for any trouble that might happen, when she got a smile and came over to chat. We chatted for about twenty minutes and then she and her dog just left as they had come in.

The best one is however more interesting. Our town had a terrific fourth of July day with fireworks after at dusk. That year they had featured a helicopter ride that would fly around the area as the patrons wanted to see. One time it came directly overhead and I was again sunning in the back yard and my wife had just gone in to the house. I didn't know about the rides in the village, so I ignored it as if it were just another flight that was slightly off course. Well, in about another 30 minutes, it flew over again. This happened for the next 4 hours! My thought as that the pilot was asking everyone if they wanted to see a naked man.

I was worried about any legal ramifications, especially if there were kids on the flight, so after the third flight, I went inside and put on a pair of light tan speedos then went back out.

There was also the time that the cable company van came up to upgrade the wiring ... unannounced. He was nervous but I stayed nude and watched him do his thing..

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RE:SO have you been busted?

Well, in about another 30 minutes, it flew over again. This happened for the next 4 hours! My thought as that the pilot was asking everyone if they wanted to see a naked man.

Which seems to prove that we Americans are not as hung up with nudity as we pretend to be.

I've been caught several times mostly by my best friend who has had no comment, but I do dress on those occasions.

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RE:SO have you been busted?

I was stretched out on my lounger, enjoying the early spring sun. Well, around the corner into my back yard comes the owner of the farm behind me. He is a city guy and no idea that you just dont come barging into a private home space. I just raised up, was on by belly, and answered him. That was when he realized I was nude. Stuttered a bit but, to his credit, went on about what he had come by for. I offered to come around to the front and sit a while, I had my towel, but he declined. No explanation, my back yard, none needed. To his credit again, I dont think he expected any explanation. It was a beautiful day, and we both continued on without an issue. He has not ventured up my drive( 1/4 mile) again. I dont think he was offended, but not real concerned, he breached my domain uninvited. Several years ago, and I have heard nothing negative. Just go on about what you were doing, nothing to see here.

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RE:SO have you been busted?

On my own property, at the end of a 1/4 mile long private drive! Over 300 meters of MY private property in any direction from my house, he intruded uninvited!

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RE:SO have you been busted?

An interesting occurrence happened late yesterday afternoon. I was finishing up watering the backyard...nude, of course. My deck is slightly elevated and I have a female neighbor who lives three houses to the east at an angle that she could possibly see me standing on the deck over the fences. I was walking on the deck, heading back towards the door, when I turned and saw her coming around the corner of her house with her hand covering her eyes. Now, like I said, it was late afternoon, and the bright sun was low in the sky, and she was facing west. I'm wondering if she was covering her eyes because of the sun...or the sight of my naked butt walking across the deck. I'm not really sure she could actually see anything below the waist. After getting to the door, I turned again, and she seemed to be going about her business in her yard, and not staring in my direction, hoping to get another look. There have been several times when she's walked out her back door and I'd be standing or walking in her direction and she would have gotten the full view...

Unless you all have very narrow lots, I doubt if she could see much from 3 houses away.

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RE:SO have you been busted?

We have a house across the way where the city trees usually block their upstairs bedroom windows view of the far north end of our backyard. Recently, the city landscape maintenance contractor trimmed the trees in our housing tract which gave these upstairs windows a view of a small portion of the northern part of our backyard. No matter, we continue to live normally. What I've found is that since the trees have been trimmed, the windows and blinds are usually opened but if I'm out on the putting green or doing some landscaping or various tasks, at times they are closed after a few minutes. No cops, no visits to the front door. All must be good... I think! ;DDD

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RE:SO have you been busted?

I use to worry about our closest neighbors but noticed their blinds are always closed , if they have seen us never seem to bother them been neighbors for 15 years! anyway they are about 600 feet away doubt if see much anyway

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RE:SO have you been busted?

Years ago, when I still had a doggie, I went for a walk with him in the middle of the night. We have a lake nearby, so I went there. It was such a warm summer night, that I decided to go skinny dipping. To my horror there was a couple who decided to walk their dog in the middle of the night as well. They didn't say anything, but their faces.....

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RE:SO have you been busted?

Years ago, when I still had a doggie, I went for a walk with him in the middle of the night. We have a lake nearby, so I went there. It was such a warm summer night, that I decided to go skinny dipping. To my horror there was a couple who decided to walk their dog in the middle of the night as well. They didn't say anything, but their faces.....

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