
Lost my wife of 44 years just over 2 years ago. We had actually known each other for 49 years so, as you can imagine, the last couple of years has not been easy but life must go on. it's not easy going to clubs etc as a single male, I think it's even worse when you are a pensioner, so many people automatically see you as a "dirty old man". Hope I can find some new friends here.

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It is not easy adjusting to "single" status after a long marriage. It took me several years, even though I did date after three. I almost remarried but really wasn't ready. However, being refused entry to a resort because one is single is ridiculous. It is bad enough to have lost a spouse and then be "punished" for it. I have heard that some of the places that had given me a hard time have now changed their policy, but I am not sure I want to go back to visit them. All I can say is take as much time to grieve as you need and don't let others callousness deter you.

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