RE:Clothes free chores

Vacuuming may be one of the best chores done nude, as it can get one to work up a sweat. Ironing is ironic when done nude.

Same can be said about laundry, but it's the only way to have all of your clothes clean at once.
Also, if you don't dress often, you have a little more to wash.
If you have reduced your wardrobe to a minimum, you may have nothing left to wear!

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RE:Clothes free chores

Ironing is ironic when done nude.Don't iron your birthday suit though, no matter HOW wrinkled it may get.

Heard a joke about this once.
A woman in an assisted living community was trying to get the attention of one of the men so she decided to drop by his room and say hello nude.
After she left, the man's roommate asked if he had noticed what the woman was "wearing".
The reply was, not really but it certainly needed ironing".

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