RE:How do you get your start?

Find you a club nearby, a resort or land Club do some research like a hot springs or clothing optional beach or Lake.
Don't just be a house nudists become a social nudist find other people invite them over to your house from a nude party. Just go out and get naked.

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RE:How do you get your start?

I discovered a little hot springs in Northern California Wilbur Hot Springs in Colusa County when I was in high school, I first started going there to watch the naked girls and more and more I got used to being naked. And I loved the mineral baths at Wilbur Hot Springs
And then I discovered near Sacramento Laguna Del Sol and Wilton California a clothing optional Resort I still have friends that live there in the Laguna Del Sol I keep inviting me to come on down and get naked with them

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RE:How do you get your start?

great story, glad youre happy

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RE:How do you get your start?

Easy. When I was 10. I used to go in my room and play in the nude.
I am now 50. I now walk everywhere in the house in the nude.

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RE:How do you get your start?

Started with a dare back in the 70's when we ran X-country in school. Miles of woods, oppressive heat, and those awful cotton shorts made it feel like you were running in soup. And I'm sure the streaking craze had something to do with it.

I continued to run nude as often as I could, one of my favorite feelings is when I'm done running and the breeze hits. Anyway, through my adult life I've tried to maintain as much as its practicable.

Can't wait to retire!

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RE:How do you get your start?

I live in Ct in the US. no nude beaches and only 3 resorts on the borders of the state so they might as well be out of state. However a bi friend of mine bought me a day pass at a spa in a casino where we hung around the pool and locker rooms that contained changing areas, steam room, sauna, whirlpool, and a lounge with refreshments. It was a slice of heaven that helped me feel more comfortable about my own body and being around other naked men of all ages. Was it a sexual experience in anyway some of you might wonder, obviously, a bunch of naked men does attract its fair share of interesting parties. But they all remained respectful of boundaries and permissions. From there I learned a lot about the differences, factual and opinionated about nudism, nudists,natuists and homosexuality. (More importantly I was able to receive free massages from people in or getting into the occupation and need so many documented hours of practice to become certified practitioners or instructors) I continued visiting the spas but did venture out to nude beaches afterwards and go hiking on clothing optional trails in VT. I will add one more bit before ending this reply. Erections, yes it was a problem in the beginning, my treatment for that was visiting asian massage parlours. What better why to desensitize myself than having a women rub every inch of my naked body 3 times a week, Cheap? Hell no, but damn it worked.

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