RE:Proud Male

Morons dont know they are morons.DittoDarling, your back !As stated to Stevielorna. From one dick to another, cut the moralistic crap and treat others with respect.Proof.

Bitch please, get over yourself !

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RE:Proud Male

J, if a guy has an erection and doesnt flaunt it and doesnt draw attention to it then no one notices.We are on the same page mate.Its just all these internet guys just want to keep mentioning their need to have erections. Little boys. Proud little boys. Their little penis is special. Must make others aware its special. If it gets big I might attract a woooooman.Pathetic really.

What's pathetic is your comment here !

Either you are blind as a bat or your just an idiot ? No one has to draw attention to a guy with an erection, because there will always be someone that notices it ! Even you two are not that much of a prude.

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RE:Proud Male

Morons dont know they are morons.DittoDarling, your back !As stated to Stevielorna. From one dick to another, cut the moralistic crap and treat others with respect.Proof.

Straight bait ! OMFG, you bite like a starving shark. and you have the fucking nerve to call me a Moron ! Take a look at your face in the nearest mirror, without cracking it.

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RE:Proud Male

Im amazed the amount of men who see having a cock and balls as some sort of achievement.Claim our cock an balls with pride?Work on your personality, its a much more attractive trait.

As per usual, your bullshit smells the same in writing !

At least those of us with a cock and balls have personality and the ability to be proud of ourselves, who we are and with what we have achieved and got, Even if that is owning a dick and a set of balls.

An attractive trait, wold be you two keeping your bitchfest comments to yourself. As I have stated before, if you can't be constructive with your comments, then don't read the threads. Stop acting like a complete tit or join a Convent/Monastery..... Please.

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RE:Proud Male

hahaha -- nasty old woman screaming she never seen an erection in all her centuries of exposing her naked self to the world --the jokes write themselves... hahahahahahahahaYou guys are all the same person, right?

Did that comment hit a nerve ???

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RE:Proud Male

Objecting to boners is about fear. Historically, before the development of effective contraception on-demand for all, sex was a mortally dangerous affair for women. Not necessarily the intercourse, although arousal and aggression are never far apart. Rather, the consequences of sex. Even the desired outcome - creating another human being, could be daunting.

This thread, such as the quote above, is some of the most enlightening about male sexuality I've seen. Unfortunately, it also contains some of the worst homophobic troll drivel.
Boners are about the male penis becoming engorged with blood. Since our bodies and instincts haven't evolved from being naked hunter-gatherers, eagertoshare is on to something important equating boners and fear.
For women, I'd say the male erection represents the fear of death. Go to a cemetery from the 1800's - very recent from a historical perspective -and you'll be reminded how many women died in childbirth. Even in ideal circumstances, erections and pregnancies put lives at risk.
For men, boners also represent the fear of death. But it's the death of the whole tribe from starvation, and the brotherhood bonding of boners is overcoming death and celebrating the vitality of life. This includes the obvious arousal of the power to create new life from our loins and how men feel a common pride in this God-like quality.
However, there's a second aspect of social or shared erections for men and that's group intelligence used in hunting large prey. Before weapons, for hundreds of thousands of years, men hunted large game in open plains by outrunning animals to the point of exhaustion where the beast would die of hypothermia in not being able to cool off, which is about the distance of a marathon. Sweat glands and butts enabled men to run these long distances albeit slower than the game. But when prey was lost or hiding, the sensory glands of vision, hearing and even from the tips of penises came into play, with men detecting subtle changes in the air, getting aroused in the intimacy of approaching the final assault. Boners could literally point the path to group survival when loud voices would scare away prey. There's an evolutionary reason for the strong silent male.
Several have also pointed out that not all men are predators, and I partly disagree. All men are wired to be hunters of animal prey to help their tribe survive, though not sexual predators. It's also my personal belief that the "gay gene" was developed for tribal survival for men to be shamans, teachers and healers for the tribe so that fathers could hunt without attending to all their children's day to day and life transitional needs. Perhaps that's why eagertoshare is so wise as a gay man. Grandmothers, with their ability to nurse beyond child-bearing years, were essential for strong fit mothers to gather for their tribe away from their young children.
As social animals. evolution and the survival of the fittest is more about the survival of the group than the individual. Boners speak a primal language, a fork in the road pointing to either life or death. They are not to be taken lightly, but generally celebrated with men among men and feared by vulnerable women outside of the safety of their home and designated protector and companion. We are still wired that way, and contemporary access to birth control and feminist ideals won't quickly change that.

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RE:Proud Male


At least those of us with a cock and balls have personality and the ability to be proud of ourselves, who we are and with what we have achieved and got, Even if that is owning a dick and a set of balls..

Surely you're not saying that you need a cock and balls to have a personality or the ability to be proud of themselves, and who they are, and what they've achieved and so on.

I know many people who are entirely devoid of cocks and balls who have personalities and those abilities. And regardless of what Freud thought, they don't seem to feel bad about lacking them, except possibly at times when they need to pee.

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RE:Proud Male

Why is so many dudes on this site obsessed with their dicks?I asked my Moms if women talk about their vaginas as much, she said, Only when theres something ailing it.

I think it is because they are on the outside where they can be felt all the time whether hidden by clothing or free. A breeze is noticed, we hurt badly if hit or kicked there, they sometimes stick to a leg or are jammed into pants. I notice mine as much as my right hand. I don't believe that to be bad. It just is. I would bet that if you asked youe Moms about her boobs, you would get a different answer.

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RE:Proud Male

bravobrAt least those of us with a cock and balls have personality and the ability to be proud of ourselves, who we are and with what we have achieved and got, Even if that is owning a dick and a set of balls..Surely you're not saying that you need a cock and balls to have a personality or the ability to be proud of themselves, and who they are, and what they've achieved and so on.I know many people who are entirely devoid of cocks and balls who have personalities and those abilities. And regardless of what Freud thought, they don't seem to feel bad about lacking them, except possibly at times when they need to pee.

No, that is not what I am saying actually !

It was in response to an earlier comment by SteveLorna, it was their dumb assed comment I was getting back at. If you have read my responses to messages on here, not once do S/L ever come back with a kind or helpful comment, most of the time it's him that does the writing, but, as also stated, their ideals are outdated and prudish, acting like he's never had an erection when on a nudist beach or anywhere else, I know damn well that is complete bullshit ! In their profile picture, even if it is innocent, his hand is brushing his partners breast, which, to some people can look like more than it needs to.

Again, the part about lacking a dick and balls is aimed at all these so called women who deem ANY erection to be offensive in a nudist setting, my point, as I stated that no woman will ever know what makes any man become erect, even when it's not sexual in nature. Funny how these women are not offended by their own husband or partners erection, and I am not referring to them being in the home, I'm talking about any naturist setting or place they get naked. All me, including half the so called dick police on here all seem to forget they have had erections in places they maybe shouldn't have, still don't mean it's sexual in nature ! I will call most men on here who state they have never had an erection, semi or full on, in a nudist/naturist setting complete liars.

So many prudes on here only see what they want to, they don't appear to have the ability to read between the lines of what is actually being said, or asked by the OP, they just assume that mentioning erections must ALWAYS be based on it being sexual, when those of us that are true nudists, know damn well that is utter bullcrap. They also don't like the fact someone like me will come back against them for being total bitches with their comments, instead of being helpful or constructive.

It does not matter how many times ANY male asks about the risk of erections on any nudist beach, or even at resorts etc. As most of them point out, they are new to nudism and learning to control one part of the human body does take a little time for the brain to associate that being naked with others is just a normal thing and said possible erections cease.

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RE:Proud Male

16 pages about cocks and balls and erections. Here's nothing I can be proud about as a man.

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