RE:When is a hug acceptable?

Hazzah full body hugs are amazing on a nude level.

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RE:When is a hug acceptable?

Just do it

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RE:When is a hug acceptable?

Let me first start off with saying that I have always been a very affectionate kind of guy. I have always been a hugger. If I see someone I havent seen for a while I want a hug I am straight and secure enough with myself that I dont have a problem hugging men or women. This is not a sexual thing for me at all it is simply like a hand shake for me. I have been an at home nudist for over 10 years now and recently started to explore the outdoor world of being a nudist and went to my first beach. I went alone and found a nice quiet spot to relax and I really enjoyed myself and it was extremely freeing. Over the last couple times I went there I started to talk to other people and started making friends. The last time I went I saw one of my friends there again and he immediately came up and hugged me and said hello which in itself did not bother me. The part that I am questioning is what is the correct etiquette for hugging other nudists, male or female? I ask this because when he hugged me certain parts had touched that I can only imagine would make some people uncomfortable. My friend is also straight so it didnt really bother me too much because I know there was nothing sexual about it. but I would like to avoid making someone else feel uncomfortable if I hugged them. Up until this point I had just assumed that it would not be appropriate as some people might get uncomfortable but I thought I would bring it to the forum to see if you guys can straighten out the new guy because the last thing I would ever want to do is make someone feel uncomfortable. Thank you all in advance for any advice or input that you might be able to provide./font/font

My comment is not meant to be sexual. I surmise that the only difference hugging naked and body parts touching or bumping together is the simple fact that you are naked ! We tend to forget that clothed, if we hug, these body parts are still there touching each other, they are just covered by the clothes you are wearing, so technically, there is no difference in my view. Yes, we have to be wary of others who may find this uncomfortable and act accordingly.

To me, if your someone who likes to give and receive hugs, then as long as you realise that there may be or will be body parts touching, in a non sexual way, then so be it, there is nothing wrong with it. Silly outdated and naff so called old fashioned victorian values are the problem and the small mindedness of others. Enjoy each hug as it comes and take the pleasure of feeling skin on skin.

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RE: When is a hug acceptable?

Just hug with the top part of your body and not with a full length press....I agree with this as far as hugging people you aren't as close to. However, some nudist huggers I know will give a full-body hug and just not care about certain parts rubbing on the other person. I actually prefer full-body hugs, they are more loving.

I completely agree with you on this.

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RE: When is a hug acceptable?

I am a hugger and my wife is not so when she is there inside hug. When she is not... it is a full hug. Parts touch so what as long as the other person does not mind.

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RE: When is a hug acceptable?

I am a hugger and my wife is not so when she is there inside hug. When she is not... it is a full hug. Parts touch so what as long as the other person does not mind.

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RE:When is a hug acceptable?

Some people just aren't huggers, clothed or unclothed. A handshake should be sufficient until you learn their preference. You don't usually hug someone you have just met for the first time. However, if you hit it off you may exchange a hug when you say good bye!
I guess what I am saying is don't rush in for a big bare hug until you know the huggee! BTW, I am a hugger.

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RE:When is a hug acceptable?

Some people just aren't huggers, clothed or unclothed. A handshake should be sufficient until you learn their preference.

I prefer a hug to a handshake. You don't know where their hands have been !

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A hug is a hug.If things touch then so be it. Naturism is not sexual so enjoy it.I would be totally hugging either a woman or a guy.

I agree. There is nothing sexual at all about it. I know a few gay nudist. I would have no problem hugging them and would not care if anything touched. We are hugging and that is all.

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RE:When is a hug acceptable?

I love full body naked hugs man or women

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