RE:Boners Among Men

Id love to hang out at the meeting Paul and I would love to meet other men that are of like minds and Also to explore the more I want. I dont mind a real relationship though but waking in the early hours and seeing a lady nude is quite the same thing if you would ask me cause it also takes away the stress of wanting to always be aroused for another sex and imbibes some ability of self control whenever you can control your boner when a woman seduces you then you are already one step ahead of all the woes

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RE:Boners Among Men

Open looking is acceptable at the men's resort I go to.It's remarkable how much observation goes on with eyes supposedly averted. Nobody appears to look at anyone. Eye contact happens, but the eyes never appear to drift downward. Until there's a boner. Then everyone stares as much as they can without getting caught by the boner owner.It's all entirely a non-issue. But, yes, boners get more attention.

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RE:Boners Among Men

Have been going to our city's (now legal, signed official) C/O beach since 17 yrs, old. Have always been more males than females there, and boners are very common. Perfectly natural, and a response to many different sensory triggers. Seeing a boner is SO common, I don't see why people even still comment on it (or worse still, pretend they "don't happen".) They do, and I don't mind. Do you?

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RE:Boners Among Men

I don't mind at all.

Our society has become more and more androphobic and misandrist -- to the point that men are supposed to be ashamed of being men.

There's nothing within the physical realm that is more male/masculine/manly than a boner. Society would say that boners should be kept hidden because they are dirty and shameful.

OK to show blood-soaked violence on TV and in movies, but not cocks and certainly not boners.

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RE:Boners Among Men

I think boners should be perceived however they are presented.

It's kind of like someone holding a police baton. If that person comes up to you holding a police baton in a threatening manner, then no...that's not appropriate. If that person comes up to you holding a police baton in a non-threatening way, then that is fine.

I have lived in horse country for about 20 years now. It is very common to see horses at shows and auctions with big erections hanging to the ground. No one is bothered to see this because this is nature. Nature has its own set of rules, and nature doesn't give AF about the rules we humans have set for ourselves.

We often dismiss that we humans are in the same mammal species as these horses. And while we readily accept all the differences between the two, we are often reticent to accept all the similarities.

So, again, boners should be viewed in the way they are being presented. If the person with the boner chooses to use it to annoy, bother, threaten or display some sort of inappropriate behavior, then that is not acceptable. If the person with the boner is just having a "nature moment" then everyone should accept it (or even embrace it) and go about our businesses.

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RE:Boners Among Men

Horses do have complete conscious control over their boners. They can give themselves boners and make them go away in the same manner that people can raise and lower their arms.

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RE:Boners Among Men

have been going to a nude beach for over 40 years. Erections do happen from time to time, esp. if for guys starting out as nudist. its best to flaunt it. Lie down on your beach blanket, think of your grand parents. Otherwise you could be the joke of the crowd.

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RE:Boners Among Men

Best NOT to flaunt it?have been going to a nude beach for over 40 years. Erections do happen from time to time, esp. if for guys starting out as nudist. its best to flaunt it. Lie down on your beach blanket, think of your grand parents. Otherwise you could be the joke of the crowd.

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RE:Boners Among Men

i attend a gay nudist camp and weekends boners seem to be the norm of course more younger crowd too , i remember my youth kinda lol but junior and high school i think i and most of my friend spent the whole day with boners but as i age 66 now even at camp not so much but does occur . interesting at least to me when i get to camp i like to cool off in the pool than lay on a lounger and sunbathe usually dosing off and quit often i'll wake up and have a boner , not sure what i was dreaming about or has the oil i use and sun have a effect - clueless but ok with it.

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RE:Boners Among Men

I'd love that

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