RE:We are better men than this... well some of us are anyway.

I see these great Youtube vids from WNBR Brighton and London in the UK. Looks really well attended for sure. youtube channel has loads of vids going back years!

London claims to be the largest in the world.
Portland OR is the largest in the US, despite being a relatively small city.
Philadelphia is second.
Since I live near Philadelphia, I know some people who have done it.

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RE:We are better men than this... well some of us are anyway.

To get back on track.

This site is full of fakes and bots. I spend some of my time here deleting visitors to our profile and blocking others. In the dozens that visit, I may strike up a conversation with one or two. The reason is that I visit their profile and see what they are about. How long they've been here, do they have 100's of friends, are the friends a mix of women, men and couples, what groups did they join, what, if any comments are made in the groups they belong to and even if they'd be a good fit to continue a conversation. Let's face it, in these times, opinions are like @#$%&^$#, everyone has one and your opinions are not going to change mine. I keep my opinions on some things to myself. I only share them when pertinent to nudism/naturism.

To OP, when someone begins a discussion, as you did, I check out their profile. You seem like a nice guy but I see you have not really engaged in discussions in the groups you have joined. Friendships here are great but if you're looking for more online social interaction, especially on a nudist website, you've got to be willing to expose yourself a little and let others know where you head is with certain topics and see if there's a connection.

Guys who collect 100's of friends are only doing that for one reason, the people they want to friend have their pictures set to Friends Only. You (the OP) don't seem to have many friends which tells me you're probably not here to collect friends and see pictures but, many, like us, want to know more about what you think in regards to nudism/naturism and we won't get that from your profile only.

Unfortunately, men SHOULD be better than this, but reality is, many more than we'd like to think, are not. This place has zero screening for membership, allowing pervs and undesirables to join. People have become careful, standoffish and will ignore some until they've realized, you've got to give some to receive some. Good luck with what you're looking for here.

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RE:We are better men than this... well some of us are anyway.

To the OP sadly there are very many fake accounts on here and that has caused some of us to be very skeptical. Those that arent fake can be very cliquey, dont give up though few and far between there are genuine naturists here and most of us have a good sense of who is likewise looking for genuine connection.

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