RE:Braless friends

I fully agree

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RE:Braless friends

Stopped wearing Bra ever since i got introduced to the nudism lifestyle.

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RE:Braless friends

I havent worn a bra since 2020!

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RE:Braless friends


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RE:Braless friends

I always encourage my wife to go Braless. She does sometimes. Is we are h9me she doesnt wear one much.

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RE:Braless friends

My wife does not like to wear bras, but only goes without them when our adult son is not likely to be in the same room with us,
I told her that I doubt that he would notice or care, but she still doesn't want to.

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RE:Braless friends

Lately my wife has only put a bra on to go out. Not sure why she feels the need to but I guess just for support.

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RE:Braless friends

Lately my wife has only put a bra on to go out. Not sure why she feels the need to but I guess just for support.

Possibly because she doesn't want other people to notice the details of her breasts through her clothing and realize that she is not wearing one.

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RE:Braless friends

A few bits & pieces of wisdom before the first cup of inspiration has fully kicked in - why not! The first being that silly word, wisdom. "Wiz" suggests smarts but it brings to my still-sleepy mind something we evacuate from our bladders, and some people's wisdom is about as worthless as pee. And ahhh the relief one feels when all their wiz has flowed out and they do shut the fuck up. And "dom" being essentially the exact opposite of wiz; the "dumb" does flow just as freely as the "wizz", even more so in some circles. And there's also dom-ination of the conversation buy the least informed, though I'll leave that for others to tear into if they feel threatened by the suggestion.

Bras are like a self-guided tour of suffering for some women, and the most helpful of garment for others. We gents have a whole other set of parts to have to keep in control - or not, depending on the living arrangements of life. I'll sometimes let mine stay loose under the outer layer of cloth on the now rare occasion of needing any sort of daily covering. As the style of those ridiculous bits of consumerism we call clothing wax and wane, out in the challenging world of the clothes-minded, baggy pants aren't always in fashion. But while the womenfolk have to deal with the same fluctuations of supposed 'good tastes' given the trend of the day, they also deal with those cumbersome cups encompassing their breasts due to a need to both accentuate and support.

I'm lucky to live where a brassiere is essentially unneeded all the time except for in the physical support of those lovely mounds which nurture the child as they mature from newborn to toddler and beyond, and the people who find pleasure in being within sight or the gentle grasp of them. I do have sympathy for the plenty of folks who do need that support while playing sports and during other activities where boobs get both in the way and in the sway of things. If I was told I couldn't go out of the house without such a restrictive device, or forced to don one due to someone's supposed annoyance or to avoid an assumed attempt at enticement, I'd tell the requiring mind to kiss my grits!

That brings up a point often not considered by the male gender but which surely bares mentioning (spelling intended); how many of the fairer sex do wear bras mainly to avoid being made into an object of desire by those who cannot seem to help themselves when confronted by a pair or more of beautiful breasts? A bra can make the breast both more alluring or be employed in the attempt to clamp down the libido of the viewer given the combination of both tit and underthing's design.

As a man I didn't realize how objectified I was being treated until I was lucky enough to get into friendships with a group of gay guys, and then rather rudely brought up to speed about how they enjoyed contemplating the bulges of other men, myself included in this assessment of crotch, even with them knowing my preferences leaned heavily toward the pursuit of those humans less-bulgy in that vicinity. And suddenly I found that the womenfolk were also feeling liberated to do the downward glance on me! I had been missing it for so many years. It sort of reminded me of the game we used to play on long trips, where whomever saw the VW Bug first got a point and when we got to our destination someone was the winner. My sisters were very good at that game. And later in life when I took a job giving tours at a winery, how the vino tended to enthuse some people to take a closer, longer, meandering look downtown toward the front of my jeans, and the smiles that sometimes followed such bulge-addressing, or better said, bulge undressing. Keeping my mind on the subject of grape crushing wasn't always so easy when I found myself having my grapes gawked at!

What's the point here, you may be wondering? Cup #2 is now underway, so I'll make it. Women do hide behind bras or augment themselves with them, and sometimes it is a combination of the two. It is important to always keep their comfort in mind, both the physical and mental kind, when wondering about the parts of the world we often don't understand. Many women live a social life in constant fear of the men around them.

America is not the only place where women live with an underlying threat of violence if they attract the wrong attention, but assault and rape statistics in this country are abominably high, and in some areas of the country much higher than others. By having a bra to hide behind, a sort of personal "fortress of solitude" between them and the constant barrage of unwanted attention coming from the people who look at them as little more than an object of conquest, there may be some comfort found. Until society can evolve beyond this mental illness, keep your pepper spray close by, and travel in numbers. I feel as though wholesome social nudism is a way forward, a healthy avenue away from the broken, messed-up fallacy that every woman with her nipples showing through her top without a bra underneath wants your penis-following attention.

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RE:Braless friends

My wife is also Braless unless she has an important presentation or meeting at her job.. otherwise it's just a tank and then she wears pajama pants around the house. I go commando most of the time but if I have to, I'll wear bikini briefs or something low underneath. Otherwise I'm naked at home when the kids are gone.

I feel the tank top way is becoming more popular with women and it's not as restricting as bras. She doesn't mind wearing her sports top when doing gardening or walking the dog. But hardly ever do I catch her wearing a bra anymore.. which is fine by me.

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