Tips for new nudists - specially those who start late in life

As many of you already know that I am a late starter in the nudist lifestyle, It was 10 years ago when I first stepped into this way of life. (I have another post in this group detailing that). I just thought why not give some tips to first time nudists, specially the ones like me who are starting late in their life.

1. Being a nudist is not easy but if I am being honest, its the first step that take the most courage. Once you take that the rest is very easy.

2. Start small, a new nudist cannot just shed his/her clothes & become one in an instant. First, ensure that the doors are locked and the windows are closed and the curtains are drawn, If you are shy, start by taking off one piece of a clothing at one time, Stand in front of a mirror & admire your own body as you peel off the layers. Tell yourself that you look good, Trust me its a HUGE confidence booster, Better to do this first step when you are alone and all by yourself. That way you don't have to keep looking over your shoulders to see if someone is behind or not.

3. Take pride in your own appearance. No one is perfect. We all have our flaws. But know this, nudism and nudists in general do not differentiate between a celebrity and a regular person, Once you are naked, we all are the same.

4. Once you are fully naked, stay like that for as long as you can. Do the normal stuff you would do at home when you are clothed, like chores, read a book, watch a movie or a show on OTT, take a nap, talk to a friend/gf/bf over the phone etc. etc. You will see that soon you will forget that you are naked and will feel a bliss like nothing you have felt before.

5. Now comes the tricky part, once you forget your are nude and you will forget, there might be a possibility that someone might ring the bell or knock at the door & there is a chance that you might go and open the door before realizing that you are naked. That can lead to trouble for some. But there are simple solutions to avoid that. How you ask on......

6. My personal method is quite simple, install a full length mirror behind the door so whenever you go to open the door you will see yourself and if you are naked at that time you will remember that and cover up. Also, its very handy to do a touch up or check yourself one last time before you are about to leave the house.

7. If the mirror idea isn't feasible for you (it cannot be for everyone) the next simple solution would be to put a post it note behind the door with a simple message. Something like "wait & see myself before I open the door" or "am I wearing clothes". Trust me its cheaper and easier that the mirror idea. You only have to be mindful to take that note off once your family members are back though. But if you live alone then you dont need to take those off.

There you are folks, Some easy and simple ways for first time nudists. Do let me know if any of these pointers have helped you. I would love to know your experiences.

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RE:Tips for new nudists - specially those who start late in life

Very well thought out list of pointers. This will help not just people who want to start out but for people who have already started off and forgotten a few dos and donts here and there like me for example :) Very refreshing for me and a must read for new nudists.

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RE:Tips for new nudists - specially those who start late in life

Very well thought out list of pointers. This will help not just people who want to start out but for people who have already started off and forgotten a few dos and donts here and there like me for example :) Very refreshing for me and a must read for new nudists.

Thanks for your comments. I wish others read and let me know their views & opinions as well.

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RE:Tips for new nudists - specially those who start late in life

A very useful and practical guide for the newbies. We become a nudist not when we drop our clothes, but when we reach a state of mind where we forget that we are nude.

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RE:Tips for new nudists - specially those who start late in life

The Essence of Naturism: More Than Just Nudity

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RE:Tips for new nudists - specially those who start late in life

Very good pointers!

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RE:Tips for new nudists - specially those who start late in life

Really loved this post. Loved the tips for new starters.

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RE:Tips for new nudists - specially those who start late in life

Really loved this post. Loved the tips for new starters.


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RE:Tips for new nudists - specially those who start late in life

Good post!

As an addendum for those considering social nudity, using these pointers as a preliminary step can make a world of difference when first venturing into a nudist venue. It can shorten the acclimatization process and reduce the anxiety of the first time; especially for women IMHO.
Once your naked body and your mind are aligned (typically achieved by "forgetting you're naked"), the only hurdle left is being see naked by others. By then you already know "how to be naturally nude."

My wife's first time was "later in life." But she started out with the benefit of having achieved a degree of comfort with casual nudity at home. So it was just a matter of "transitioning" her comfort with nudity to an outdoors social setting. And it didn't take her very long at all.

It can be much harder when you start "from scratch." The hesitation and anxiety can make the first time much more stressful than it needs to be. And women can fall into the "pitfall" of covering up every time they feel self-conscious; which can end up being most of the time.
My wife successfully avoided this. Once she disrobed and "tapped" into that part of her that "knew how to be naked", she simply laid down her towel and left it behind in the pool area. "Staying naked" then played a huge part in how quickly she was able to adjust to being socially nude.

Just a thought...

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RE:Tips for new nudists - specially those who start late in life

Love the mirror idea! Much better than a note that becomes invisible as part of the background so quickly. The image a mirror presents is always changing and we always notice ourselves when our reflection is in one.

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RE:Tips for new nudists - specially those who start late in life

very handy tips , thank you for giving in details for new comers like me .

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