Men who lost them!

Anyone else out there who are lucky to still be here but without your balls?

Last year fell and smashed one. At that time they found a suspicious tumor on the remaining one but said we will wait and see and removed the smashed one replacing it with a fake one.
A month ago now the tumor was considered malignant or necrotic they were not sure which but no choice any longer it had to come out. They replaced it with a fake one again. My system was reacting and irritated by both silicone balls like it was a silicone overload. One sneeze later and a hemorrhage from hell started scrotum was size of child football by the time they did emergency surgery during which I stopped breathing. Yup these surgeries can be dangerous. Im still hear thank God but in the end I paid 6 grand for fake balls and lost both of them also in order to stop the bleeding.
Im still hear and staying strong. I know balls dont make the man.
But it is still a strange thing to have to wrap your head around that and the fact for life Im taking testosterone shots every two weeks

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