tattoo and jobs

i was just wondering how many of you with tattoos would cover them if you went for a job interview? or would you show them? .
do any of you think that if your tattoos are shown then it reduces the chance of getting the job.
i have tattoos myself and have reluctantly covered them in certain job interviews

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RE: tattoo and jobs

Even in this day and age I think it very much depends on what job you are applying for. I am a truck driver so for me it is no problem at all. For certain retail workers, office staff, managerial positions I think you would want to cover them up to give yourself the best chance of getting the job. If two people were going for the same job in say a jewellery store, one with visible tatts and one without, I think the the non tatt person would probably get the job. I don't think this is fair but it is reality. Discrimination sucks.I agree it all depends on the job your interviewing for . I also think it depends on your style of ink . Some people get scary tatts to look cool ( skulls demons etc ) . When I got my latest ink I checked the policy before I had it done . There was no rules on it so I had no problem . One job I had there could be nothing showing . You can get a forearm tatt but you will also have to wear. Long sleeve shirt in the summer .

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RE: tattoo and jobs

I am a professional white collar worker during the day - no ink can be seen during the day.

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