RE: Does it make me a perv?

One source HERESource.....ANN COULTER.....HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!

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RE: Does it make me a perv?

It's ironic how someone like Bruce worships a professional hate monger like Coulter. Wait, no it isn't. It makes perfect sense.

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RE: Does it make me a perv?

Is it a fact that as Coulter has said that 9/11 widows are "harpies of death", or that John Edwards was a "faggot"? How about when she told a CBC reporter that Canada fought in Vietnam and promised to prove it, but didn't. I can see why you would admire her so.

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RE: Does it make me a perv?

Of course you do. You admire her opinions. Which you can use as "facts". I'm totally interested in the John Edwards is a "faggot" opinion. Can you give us the context and factual basis for that? And can you explain why she walks out of so many interviews?

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RE: Does it make me a perv?

"Could it be that liberals try to trap her?". No, a journalist who asks for facts to back up an opinion are not trapping anyone.
The reporter from the CBC, Bob MacDonald, asked her to prove that the Canadian government had ever committed troops to Vietnam, and her reply was "you are wrong and I will get back to you." Needless to say, she never did.
As for the walk outs, you can view a montage of them on you tube. But it's easier for you to believe the whole left wing media conspiracy theory.

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RE: Does it make me a perv?

Must you two chase each other around and highjack numerous threads? It is getting pretty old......

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RE: Does it make me a perv?

oh ditto!

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RE: Does it make me a perv?

Must you two chase each other around and highjack numerous threads? It is getting pretty old......
Be so kind as to check post #8.
NinMA, while we agree on a few things and disagree on others, this has gone on long enough over numerous threads.....You two will never agree to anything....ever.
The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein
or in the case of you two is it?
If at first you dont succeed, try, try again
Practice makes perfect?In any event it is getting wearisome.....Oh and Soupie.....this "shut the hell up" applies to you too.....

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RE: Does it make me a perv?

Must you two chase each other around and highjack numerous threads? It is getting pretty old......
I was thinking the exact same thing when I saw this post. Thank you EBH.
To get back to the original thread. When I'm in a social nudist situation, I feel very comfortable because I doubt that anyone is checking out my body parts to compare them with someone else. Even if they were, I feel that it would be their problem and not mine. A wise person once said "It's hard to put on airs when you're naked." That is one of the things that I love about social nudism, it's really hard to be phony when you're naked. Actually maybe we shouldn't call this site "True Nudists" but Real People" instead.

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RE: Does it make me a perv?

How does one argue an opinion that isn't supported by facts? She just pisses against the wind and loves the spray that covers her.

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