RE: What do you usually wear when Freeballing ?

My freeballing is a bit more discreet. I jest where my work uniform at work without bringing any attention to the fact that I amcommando. Then when at home weather permitting off with the clothsand I am no longer freeballing but naked.

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RE: What do you usually wear when Freeballing ?

Is it called Freeballing if you wear a cock ring while losing the underwear?

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RE: What do you usually wear when Freeballing ?

I'm always commando, so I guess everything is my answer.
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RE: What do you usually wear when Freeballing ?

jeans, dress slacks, shorts,.....just about anything will do when I'm in the mood. lol

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RE: What do you usually wear when Freeballing ?

Shorts or jeans. Anything that's loose, and can provide some room.

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RE: What do you usually wear when Freeballing ?

I was out with a buddy last week. He was wearing white linen pants and freeballing. When he got up I noticed the crotch area had some wet spots, I guess we better not talk of sex when freeballing and wearing light color pants.

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RE: What do you usually wear when Freeballing ?

Unless I'm at work, I never wear underwear. So, I usually end up freeballing in jeans, shorts, or even gym shorts.

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RE: What do you usually wear when Freeballing ?

i am always freeballing. so whatever suits the occasion, weather and my comfort i wear and go commando.

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RE: What do you usually wear when Freeballing ?

I don't have any underwear. So when I'm not freeballing I'm naked. When I'm dressed it's usually jeans for practical reasons, dress trousers if I have to look smart and skimpy shorts (with no liner) or a short sarongwhen it's warm.
Quite often that sarong is easily caught by the wind and issee-through when the viewer is close.
I just got a kilt and a short mini-kilt. So can I add them to the list. Everyone knows that freeballing is obligatory under a kilt.

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RE: What do you usually wear when Freeballing ?

the other day i cheated and had on a tee shirt jeans and a jock strap - yeah i know thats not freeballing but once in a while i like to wear one. this day it was 90f at least and i had gone to a old cotton mill antique store and after about 10 minutes i could feel the sweat everywhere and wished they would announce that if your to warm/hot it's alright to disrobe to your comfort level - yeah no such luck but i would have got nude in a second. yeah back to shorts and going commando for me.

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