RE: Are You Dressed Right Now and Why?

If at home and on the site, we'll be naked.
But I also check out whats been happening on my phone at work, so unfortunately I have to be dressed.

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RE: Are You Dressed Right Now and Why?

I can't remember when I've been on this site and haven't been nude. I'm on this site right now so there's no need to be dressed.

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RE: Are You Dressed Right Now and Why?

I think we all are naked almost all the time at home and when we are able but it's funny, we all make sure that we tellall that we are naked every chance we get! hahahaha Like others, it's a given ... if we are home and we don't have textile company ... we are naked, period! ;-)

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RE: Are You Dressed Right Now and Why?

Unfortunately yes, that what comes of having the MIL staying for a few days.

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RE: Are You Dressed Right Now and Why?

Yes I am, At the sons place baby sitting the grandkids. Plus its a tad too cool to be comfortably nude.

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RE: Are You Dressed Right Now and Why?

Today I was out shopping with my wife and had to be dressed. The clothes went just as soon as I got in the door. I'm nude now.

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RE: Are You Dressed Right Now and Why?

Returned yesterday from 3 weeks in Hilton Head, where, sadly, we were dressed except to sleep. Spent most of today nude. Just finished a delicious home-cooked meal and enjoyed a nude dinner on our deck. Looking forward to a nude breakfast tomorrow morning and a nude dinner the next three nights. Spending the weekend at Serendipity in Georgia where we hope to be nude 24/7 for three days.

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RE: Are You Dressed Right Now and Why?

Naked now enjoying my morning coffee.
I will likely be naked most of the day. No need to get dressed all morning-I'll just be taking care of some things around the house. This afternoon, I am going to a pool party hosted by nudists. I'll put on shorts and a tee for the drive to/from, but should be naked all afternoon.
Don't have any big plans for tonight--will likely be home and can be nude again.
All in all, a pretty perfect situation.

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RE: Are You Dressed Right Now and Why?

If I'm home I am naked 99% of the time unless I know visitors are coming around then I tend to stay naked until the last minute...sometimes longer LOL. But as soon as they go, I'm naked again.

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RE: Are You Dressed Right Now and Why?

Since most people probably visit this site during their leisure time, I would surmise that they would be nude. If you're here and not nude, tell us why.I am definitely nude as I write this. DesertRat.I'm just taking a break from practicing my accordion. Normally, I would be naked, but bellows catch your genitals and chest hair. Trust me. I've tried it. So, shirt and underwear required. Will definitely be naked later!

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