Do you prefer to be photographed nude or clothed?

Sometime ago I was looking at some photos of a group of friends, we were clothed and I thought I looked uncomfortable, I compared them to some of my nudist photos. I've known for ages that I feel very comfortable and relaxed when nude, but I'd not realised that this might come across in the way I looked in photographs, I seemed to be smiling more when I was naked. This was no big surprise, as a nudist its how I prefer to be. Since realising this I've been conscious of how I feel whenever I'm photographed, in both nudist and textile situations. I really do feel more at ease when nude in front of a camera, just as in many other situations. I've been a nudist for many years and I live nude at home all year round, I am naked for a lot of the time, so I guess this is why I noticed that I seem more relaxed when naked in photos.
Have others here noticed similar things about being photographed nude? Do you prefer to be nude or clothed while being photographed? Which state are you more relaxed and comfortable in when a camera is being used?

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RE: Do you prefer to be photographed nude or clothed?

To me it doesn't matter if I'm nude or clothed although I'm personally more comfortable clothes-free! And I'm not at all perturbed by anyone seeing me nude after all we are all nude under our clothes so being skindressed is just another form of dress! Last year I volunteered for a uni student doing her Bsc in photography to be photographed nude at home and 2 young ladies turned up and photographed me in various natural situations in the kitchen living room even ironing! Hollie Carlin photography now has her own facebook page! So take me as you find me,mostly unclothed!

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RE: Do you prefer to be photographed nude or clothed?

I think that it depends on how comfortable we feel in our own skin, since somedays, were feeling great and think that were looking great, but then there are others when we sort of feel so down, that we kind of try to conceal our body. Personally, I have never been very fond of taking pics but I have been letting down my guard on that matter as years go by, maybe because Im realizing that this is who I am and there is nothing I can do about it, eheh, of course theres a plastic surgery but I cant help but thinking that once we go down that road, we start loosing bits of who were are/were ... and also I cant afford a plastic surgery, sooooo ... :)

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RE: Do you prefer to be photographed nude or clothed?

I can tell you one thing. There are far more men on this site that are interested in being photographed than women. And far more men on the site in general.

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RE: Do you prefer to be photographed nude or clothed?

i am far more comfortable being photographed nude than clothed and i think maybe other may agree that it could be that you are worried about weather your clothes are hanging right - shirt tucked in collar turned down, on ladies dress not bunched up but being nude you only need to smile. let's face it it's always hard to get clothes to fit right unless maybe they are tailored made.

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RE: Do you prefer to be photographed nude or clothed?

A simple question and I have a simple answer. I always prefer to be photographed naked. Imagine my delight when a film crew asked to film me (and about 40 other nudists) on our week long naked hiking holiday last week.

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RE: Do you prefer to be photographed nude or clothed?

Since participating in Truenudists i have become a lot more relaxed about appearing naked in photos - and it feels so good! Of course, not all feel as we do , so consideration for others is necessary... but when dealing with the converted, such as us, it values our bodies as they really are; that is why WNBR photos are so good - real people naked for all - wonderful!

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