How "Big" is Average?

When people talk or asking about the endowment, what will be the range of average size? I always said mine is small but people says that I am average, average to whom?

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RE: How "Big" is Average?

Average is around 2" soft - 5.5"-6" erect.

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RE: How "Big" is Average?

Average is around 2" soft - 5.5"-6" that would be around 5-5.10 cm when it's soft and 13.97 to 15.24 Cm erect, I have to measure mine once I am back home, but now I am convinced that mine is average

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RE: How "Big" is Average?

I saw a tv program just recently that said 5"-5.5" erect is the average erect size and that 98% of men are of average size. 2"-3" is average size when soft according to this medical report. again, most men...98% of men fall into the average category.

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RE: How "Big" is Average?

I saw a tv program just recently that said 5"-5.5" erect is the average erect size and that 98% of men are of average size. 2"-3" is average size when soft according to this medical report. again, most men...98% of men fall into the average category.Thank you for participating, so average is more regular than huge size (which is I've seen occasionally here and there)

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RE: How "Big" is Average?

I haven't measured my boners recently, but when I did a while ago it was somewhere around 6 inches. When flaccid I have a lot of variation in size--depending on temperature, blood flow and temperament (my penis has a personality all its own!).. .. We guys like to take pride in our sexual prowess, which usualy translates to penis size. It's a bit like that old fishing story, where the size of the fish he caught gets a bit bigger with each re-telling. Even the title of this post uses the word "Big"! The statistics you present are reassuring as far as what's average for most of us.I emphasises the "Big" is actually more into size. As I wrote earlier when people are talking how big is their penis, or how big is their BF penis so I just curious what size is average since I always thought my penis is small

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RE: How "Big" is Average?

don't mean to be weird, but mine can reach my belly button. how long would that be?

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RE: How "Big" is Average?

1"-2" flaccid, 4 5/8" erect. I'm average (average for a small guy I'd reckon!) . . . I somewhat agree size is a very moot point, however, I do enjoy reading about what other guys have and think or feel about it. I've fortunately never had a lady complain (most say, ) and have always been proud as a puppy with two peckers to roam on a beach nude amongst others ;-) jy

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RE: How "Big" is Average?

I'm 6" hard and I have 6" in girth 95% of the women I've been with say I'm huge. I guess its the girth

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RE: How "Big" is Average?

I always thought of myself as small, at least when limp. But I took a look on some big nudist beaches like the one at Cap d'Agde and realized I was mid-range. To me mid-range equals average. I also saw statistics that, whether they are growers or show-ers, most men stand at 5 to 6 inches (13 to 15 cm) when erect. That's me too.

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RE: How "Big" is Average?

Interesting topic. I guess I'm average when hard - about 5.5", but when soft only about 0.75 of an inch as I grow a lot. But what about thickness. I'm apparently slightly above average here. So I'm below averae, average, and above average all in one cock.

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