RE: Clinton Back In The White House

I'll be voting for Bernie Sanders if he's still in the race by the time my state's primary comes around as a protest vote (which I believe is early next year), but I'll absolutely support Hillary for the general.Ahhh,,,the protest vote; a proud proclamation of one's futility.
I find it remarkable that those most vulnerable to the schemes of the liberals are their most strident supporters.What "futility?" I vote for the candidate whose views are better aligned with my own; not for the candidate that's inevitable. But there is no way in hell I'm voting for a spoiler in the general.
Snippy today, I see.Not snippy in the least, thank you. Simply pointing out the obvious.
I commend you for voting for the candidate whose words are most aligned with your views. That is how it should be; but that is not what you first wrote. You indicated that you would vote for the avowed Socialist in protest of the cloaked one.Hillary Clinton is not a socialist, my good sir. Neither is Barack Obama. Neither are 98.5% of elected members of the Democratic Party. But it is plainly obvious you do not know what socialism is. Sadly, however, I don't care much to use my time explaining it to you. So I'll let you rave and rant about the increasing socialist takeover of the United States as we both relish in our own universes without the perceived need for mutual hostility.

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RE: Clinton Back In The White House

I predicted the outcry of Bernie being a self-avowed "socialist" by those who have never actually listened to him speak. Bernie espouses social policies similar to those found in Northern Europe i.e. Norway and Sweden. He believes, and rightly so, that those nations *gasp* tax their citizens more then we are used to but provide better goods and services such as education, health, and retirement. Having lived in Vermont and having gone to school in Vermont we had exposure to Bernie on a regular basis. I wish we had politicians here in New York State that had his balls to speak what he believes.
Do I believe that Bernie stands a chance of getting the nomination? Sadly not. But, I believe that he will add a lot to the race and be among the best in the Democrat primary debates.
I do look forward to the Republican primary debates even more; their clown car is filling up fast. Huckleberry tossed his hat into the ring. Santorum is considering another run. Dr. Carson has never held an elective office in his life. Ted Cruz disrespected America with his "Green Eggs & Ham" filibuster. The clown car is getting full of those who are so far to the right that they don't represent mainstream America. Without a doubt, I expect the Republican debates to be hysterical. Each of the candidates will be wooing the tea baggers until one is selected. Then in order to even have a chance at electability they will need to turn leftward to rejoin the American population.

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RE: Clinton Back In The White House

If the democrats don't loose power and stop printing money out economy is in catastrophic trouble. a severe financial ripple it far too fast approaching for even a change in government to evade it. For our leaders to ignore the fact that they changed how they report the unemployement which is now 23%. the way it was counted. These are just a small examples of how the democrats continue to lie to us everyday. I think there will be some real interesting things come out in the next few years about Obama and some of the things they have hidden.

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RE: Clinton Back In The White House

It's voting day here in the UK today, and we shall know in a few hours from now, which incompetent donkeys will be trying to run the country. Most people are predicting a hung parliamant, so no party will have enough seats to govern. We shall then have two sets of clowns joining together to have the majority to play with our lives for another 5 years.

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