Benefits of sleeping nude article

RE: Benefits of sleeping nude article

Interesting, so I thought being a nudist is hard well this artiseems motivating enough. I guess I've made a very good choice by sleeping nude.

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RE: Benefits of sleeping nude article

I've always slept nude,long before I even became a nudist. You don't go out walking about wearing bedding,so why would you wear clothes in bed.

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RE: Benefits of sleeping nude article

Yeah, I saw that the other day. Interesting stuff.
Been sleeping nude for years...though still waiting for the beauty part to kick in, lol.
Stay Naked!

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RE: Benefits of sleeping nude article

Yep. I've been sleeping nude since i was little. ^^

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RE: Benefits of sleeping nude article

Hi, There appear to be many benefits of sleeping nude.

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RE: Benefits of sleeping nude article

Hi, There appear to be many benefits of sleeping nude.'t imagine sleeping any other way!

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RE: Benefits of sleeping nude article

I cant sleep with any piece of cloth on my body....for me there is no other way of sleeping then sleeping naked...

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