50 Plus Nudists

A group for nudists 50 years old or more. A place to discuss issues concerning nudism, past experiences, new directions, plans for your future ... most anything that strikes the veteran nudist's interest. BLANK, PARTIALLY filled out or PRIVATE profiles will not be allowed to join ... unless you contact me first. Thanks for your understanding.

Member Alert ...

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Members of the 50 Plus group. We received a message from members of TN that a "couple" by the handle "richardandcindy" have used their photo and represented it as his/their own. Please be advised that richardandcindy have done this and be cautious of this and report any misuse of your photos to the Admin/Owners of TN.

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RE: Member Alert ...

Busted out in one week of joining. Not bad !
It was the unfortunate people who had their photos stolen by the
fakers who alerted me to the theft of the photos who brought this
to light. It would be great if no one had to bust out photo thieves on TN, wishful thinking I know. I don't think its something that needs to be rated on the time taken to out them.
It would help if TN acted on flagged thieves quicker.

I think everyone would agree with that. I've always thought it was pretty brazen for someone to send a friend request with a virtually blank profile. Especially to those of us that state don't send friend request if your profile is blank. Normally I want to see someone constructively contributing or have talked with them several times before accepting a friend request.
For me ... the most important thing was that the couple that had their photo stolen and used by the offending couple, alerted Nik who in turn contacted me and we were able to get this message out before this couple duped any other members. Lots of great people on this site but there are too many fakes and not so great people here. The good and great people on this site need to look out for one another and we all need to complain to TT1 and TT2 about these fakes in hopes that they will act quickly and see the need for help with Moderating.

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RE: Member Alert ...

Of course nobody should steel a photo and pretend it is them. But it slightly amuses me that a couple claiming to be 45 and 41 respectively should want to steal from an over 50 year old couple. (This group is just for the over 50's isn't it?) At 71 there is no risk of them using mine.

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