50 Plus Nudists

A group for nudists 50 years old or more. A place to discuss issues concerning nudism, past experiences, new directions, plans for your future ... most anything that strikes the veteran nudist's interest. BLANK, PARTIALLY filled out or PRIVATE profiles will not be allowed to join ... unless you contact me first. Thanks for your understanding.

What you do with your wintertime down time

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When we were younger, seemed we always had stuff going on. I guess caring for kids was cause for a lot of that, you know taxiing and shopping.
These days, we're content with hanging around the house.
The down side with the cold season is finding stuff to do inside when you can't really enjoy the outside unless you don't mind exposing your skin to layers of fabric.(which I seem to avoid as often as possible these days).
What do you all do inside all day?

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RE:What you do with your wintertime down time

Lately I've been contemplating all of the outside jobs that didn't get done when the weather was nice, because I was having too much fun being naked outdoors. So they are postponed another season! Also he inside jobs like painting and refinishing furniture that need to be postponed because I can't open the windows. Until it's summer when I will postpone them again because "who wants to be indoors when it's so nice to be naked outside?" Yes, it takes a lot of my free time to manage the to-do list to be postponed, ala Maynard G Krebbs (OMG, showing my age). :-)
Ah yes, Maynard G Krebbs! A name I haven't heard in years!
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one having that problem with my priority list!
Funny how different mine is from Annie's.
She get's the answer, "It's too nice out to do that now" and then it's "it's too late to do that now".
When it does get done has a lot to do with the nag factor! Or when the ribbing starts to turn into a scowl. You know that point! When it no longer is in your best interest to procrastinate any longer. Then I'll hear "that only took you five minutes"!!!
Usually I can smooth it over with a little butt pat and a kiss on the cheek, other times.........well, not so much!
Sure glad she loves me!
Sometimes she threatens to pin her "to do" list on my chest! And I don't have my shirt on!

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RE:What you do with your wintertime down time

It was a beautiful Sunday morning! A bit warmer than usual, but sunny. The day before our youngest son and bride to be (finally), came by to discuss their upcoming wedding and their desire to have the ceremony in our back yard in early fall. Annie is so excited.
We did something we haven't done since we moved into our home in the country, a long walk through our neighborhood.
The sun in our face and a slow breeze at our back, low 60's we walked along our road and just chatted
arm in arm. It was so nice to just walk as we discussed how beautiful our neighbor is and how blessed we are, something we both began to realize we shouldn't have waited so long to do. Annie stopped once to befriend one of our neighbor's donkey along the way, wishing she had brought some carrots. Their horses were content to watch from a distance.
After a few miles and back in the yard, I poured Annie a glass of wine and I grabbed a cold beer as we continued our conversation in the sun on the patio. Unfortunately it was a bit too chilly to really get comfortable.
I asked her how her back was feeling as she has chronic back pain. I suggested I give her a massage to help her relax which she gladly agreed to.
I pulled out the massage table from the back room and set it up in the bedroom, selected a nice Zen station from Spotify, and brought out a stack of towels and the jar of coconut oil. We both stripped out of our clothes finally and she climbed up on the table. She loves massages almost as much as I like to give them. For over an hour, I slowly worked the oil over her entire body, gently working her tight muscles, softly kneading with slow subtle strokes over every inch until she reached a state of total relaxation. There is nothing like the sense of touch to melt away all of life's tensions. Of course, the wine helps too!
We had an occasional visit from Stevie Ray, she likes coconut oil. Somehow, she must have sensed it wasn't the time and sauntered back out of the room rather than having a closer look.
Without going into detail, we both felt quite relaxed afterwards.
We decided we were going to leave the table set up in the bedroom permanently as it hasn't gotten near enough use since we bough it and Annie was brainstorming all the different ways she could redecorate to enhance the aura it the room for future sessions. Her new winter project.
We eventually curled up on the couch and watched movies together while we ate leftover Taco soup.
It was a nice substitute for yard work. A delightful way to spend a winter day.

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RE:What you do with your wintertime down time

We still work and our schedules dont exactly match. I work a schedule that has me work every other weekend. We also still have adult children living with us including two grandchildren. That is a whole other story. Needless to say there is not much down time.
When we get some tie together we run away somewhere. We are not members of a nudist club yet and the club we visit is members only during the winter. All together we do not get nearly as much naked time as we would like.
So part of the winter is spent planning for our away time. What has been nice is my wife is actively planning at least some of our away time centered around social nudity. We have also started looking at making our house more nudist friendly. We just might be empty nesters by this summer so my naked time might increase tremendously.
This winter my down time is working toward truly enjoying this summer.

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