Doctor, I Am Fully Naked!

Have you been through medical exam fully naked? How about cystoscopy and/or colonoscopy? What were the experiences like? [CYSTOSCOPY is the procedure where a doctor examines the lining of the bladder and the urethra by a cystoscope into the penis. COLONOSCOPY is the procedure where a doctor examines the colon (large intestine) and rectum by inserting a colonoscope (a long, flexible tube) into the...

Today I scheduled a general check up that will be done via a zoom call . Does anyone have any experience with one of these? Will the doctor request to see anything? Just curious what to expect. Should I just start it nude?
Update the virtual appoint got postponed ( by my request due to work schedule ) until the following week and will be with a male nurse practitioner instead of a female doctor. I will keep you all posted as to how revealing the experience is.

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RE: Virtual Exam

I have had several of these virtual video medical exams.
The Doctor will most likely be seated in his office as he/she talks to you and addresses your concerns.
I, personally, would wait to get undressed until the Doctor requests you to do so.

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RE:Virtual Exam

i wore only an open shirt but since i never stood up the male nurse practitioner never knew i was bare from the waist down. I was overall disappointed with the whole appointment. After a 45 minute delay caused solely by they ineptness getting an email correct, the guy had me give him a list of the meds i was on and why i was on them. Asked the general overall questions. Suggested the dreaded colonoscopy . He never asked weight or height. I did volunteer those since i had deliberately stepped on the scales that morning. if i had to do it over i would have been shirtless and pantless.

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