Spiritual Naturism

To adopt Naturism as a spiritual platform for Athma Vichara Yoga Tantra. To integrate Naturism with Spiritual well being. Nakedness in body & mind and to go beyond...Brahma Nirvaanam .

For the cause of Naturism...

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A step towards correcting the present social opinion about Naturism...

Naturism been part of many ancient traditions in India, since ages. It's been practiced in other cultures like Greek as well. It was accepted in the society; Since the onset of Moghul & British rule, particularly in the last 100 yrs or so, it got associated with immorality and kind of prostitution...Hence the degeneration....
I have written in detail about these in the blog -Just to spread the cause of Naturism...as I have been doing for many years. it has helped many to adopt nudism in their life.

So, even today, Naga sadhus , Aghoris and some other sects of Hinduism adopt nudism; and they are respected in the society though, they don't mingle with normal population to a large extent. Even Jain sadhus / monks go naked mostly - still they also live away from society; can't be seen on streets normally.

Problem, has been mostly with nudists....there are many who take nudism to be an avenue for sexual orgy / free sex. We are not judgmental about free sex, if its right or wrong, as its basically depends on the particular situation & circumstance where one is in; and, if it's causing harm to others or not in any way.

It's about the perspective of Naturism as such, which has got nothing to do with free sex / prostitution. And that tendency or thinking has to change if Nudism has to be accepted by wider population for the sake of its spiritual and health benefits...When we Nudists change this mindset to the right perspective, naturally that will create a positive impact on general public (who are non nudists mostly) and more people will be able to enjoy the benefits of this Natural way of life.

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