Brisbane Nudist Group

For people that are interested in going nude in brisbane and meeting others socially .

Calling all first timers

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First timers in Brisbane - never been to Tyagarah NSW?

Once COVID 19 border restrictions are out of the way, or at least relaxed, would love to do a nudie run with up to six other people to Tyagarah in NSW, who have never been before.

Would like to take a diverse group - don't need more middle aged blokes (I am one, and don't need a Men's Shed Gone Wild experience).

Looking for a diverse group so as to have great discussions around culture and nudity. No cameras, no sex, no harassment - just sun, sand, surf, chat and food.

Let me know if you're interested.

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RE:Calling all first timers

Im interested if I fit your diversity spectrum

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RE:Calling all first timers

See how we go. We have a lot of commonality in our profiles, albeit one item different (which is not a problem).

I'm really keen to take say an older couple who can talk about nude life past my own milestones. Also keen to hear from some young ones that are not only first timers to a nude beach but also just getting into the life.

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