Burning Man Fans

This group is for anyone that has attended, wants to attend or wants to know why they should even know about the Burningman annual event and its social significance all year long and globally experienced. Refer to www.burningman.com for personal information education.

this thread should be jumping right now!!

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where are all the playa bunnies?
am i the only one going nuts?

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RE: Camp Location????

Ok well we are still- trying to find out if the event is sold out ( and it is ! ) can we still go to burning manin the camping group or is there a overflow camping we are in a 40foot motor home any one know something,? way out in arkansas,we would have to hit the roadlate to-night to get there or friday morning, the trafic is going to be bad.

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RE: Camp Location????

Well hell people. I've heard from most of the friends that went this year that Rites ofPassage was their best burn EVER! Phenomenal weather, great art and spectacular burns. With 51,500 friends on the playa, how could it NOT be so?
NEXT year those of us in this True Nudist group need to kick it up a notch and represent! Tickets go on sale in January 2012. Don't wait, get your act together, read up and hit that ticket queue with a vengence. www.burningman.com the best social network that's REAL!

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