Canoe And Kayak Nudist

For those who enjoy paddling down a river, or across a lake or chasing a shark in a canoe or kayak. Share your experience or encounter even if it's with the game warden.

where do you keep em

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when do you keep your canoe ? kayak ? inside or outside ? are the babied and kept snug in the garage, basement , bedroom?

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RE: where do you keep em

my kayak is babied and kept in the garage, the canoe sadly is left overturned out in the elements but snug under a group of trees it takes more of a beating but luckily rest on concrete than grass but at end of season i'll cover it up.

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RE: where do you keep em

I keep my kayaks in the garage but I don't baby them on the water because I like going places other paddlers might not try going.

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RE: where do you keep em

All my boats are in the barn, out of UV except when on the water. I don't baby them on the water, but don't intentionally abuse them either. The only one that gets any special treatment is a Kevlar solo's so pretty, I hate to scuff it up. :)

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RE: where do you keep em

from May to Sept ours are on homemade wooden racks that project from the dock. Easy on and off with bungee cords to hold them i in place. They get morning sun on them, but are in shade most of the rest of the day. For off season storage they are in living room of my unheated cottage. So out of the sun and protected from precipitation but do get as cold as it does outside. Like 0F.

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RE: where do you keep em

My canoe is left in the basement in our home in the mountains. We don't get up there much during the cooler months and don't want it to walk off.

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RE: where do you keep em

Not happy with my current storage situation but haven't figured out anything better yet. But for now, I hang them in the garage, which is subject to theft. Or I lock them inside a storage building, but it's a pain in the butt getting them in and out. I won't be storing them outside though. At least not without some sort of overhead cover.
So I'm still working on a permanent storage solution that works.

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RE: where do you keep em

Built a rack several years back that sits in the back yard. Holds both our kayaks. Last year, a friend moved from her townhouse to a small apartment, so hers is also stored there, on top of my snow tires. Need to rebuild the rack this summer.

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RE: where do you keep em

when do you keep your canoe ? kayak ? inside or outside ? are the babied and kept snug in the garage, basement , bedroom?Its kept (Kayak) outside under a protective tarp. It is definitely not babied..its a hard core river raft...mostly used for nude eco kayaking on the upper James River...and along the Chesapeake Bay....

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RE: where do you keep em

I've seen those whitewater, short curvy rocker 'rodeo boats' kept in the worst conditions by owners.I do whitewater paddling, so my gear is definitely not pristine... and store them accordingly. lol

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RE: where do you keep em

All 4 of mine are tucked away after each use on racks I custom built in the garage... It's not that I'm afraid of scratches or anything like that, just not a fan of the sun-bleached look! Plus I'm a little OCD I guess... :)

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