Canoe And Kayak Nudist

For those who enjoy paddling down a river, or across a lake or chasing a shark in a canoe or kayak. Share your experience or encounter even if it's with the game warden.

Has anyone else here read the book "Keep Australia on the Left"? An Aussie and a Yank paddle out of Sydney Harbor, turn leftand attempt to kayak around the country. Great true story of a quite adventurous duo.
Another good read about a true story of kayaking is On Celtic Tides, guess which country this guy paddled around.
Anyone come across nonfiction books of adventuresome kayakers?

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RE: kayak books

I started "On Celtic Tides" but had to return it to library unfinished because I got wrapped up in another book "Without a Paddle" which is a about kayakers and small craft sailors racing around Florida. I can't remember the author's name but he also did an 1 1/2 hour You Tube documentary that you can find by searching You Tube for Water Tribe racing. The folks in the documentary are definitely some hard core and adventurous paddlers and sailors.

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