Christian Nudist Connection

This is a group (formerly known as Christian Nudist Convocation) to discuss our Christian and Nudist beliefs and faith, to invite, promote and simply enjoy each others company. Though Christian Nudist Convocation no longer exists due to closing, we will continue to use this to support the Christian fellowships already in process here and at local clubs. So join us and be a part of a growing...

What a great two weekends! The weather tried to threaten us, but a little rain at Rock Haven Resort and it was done. No issues.
The messages were great, the discussions were awesome, and lots of new people showed up! We had one from California for the first time, then we were surprised when we had one from Australia! WOW!
We found out that there was a spiritual warfare going on at one of the parks while we were there. The local pastor had to deal with them (two different people) and had to have them removed. We didn't know this was going on until much later. This started right after we got there. Satan does not want this to happen. But apparently God does and did!
We had a couple to speak on Saturday night at Rock Haven (where I am currently writing this from) about Faith. It is not about wants or needs but about faith. God did not say he will answer prayers based on wants or needs. He answers them based on faith. That is not to say that God does not care about your wants or needs, but we get close to acting like children who keeps whining about our wants and "needs" that we fail to trust the One who provides and lives by faith.
We talked about relationship with God, and how God's relationship (Father, Son and Spirit) is built into us when we were created in His image and likeness.
The Love Chapter, 1 Cor.. 13 was read with God as "Love".
Lets read 1 Cor 13:4-8 in a different way. See what happens if you discuss this in your study groups.
Since God (Father Son and Spirit) is Love, and the Father his Love, then lets replace the word "Love" with "Father" and "It with "He"."God the Father is patient, the Father is kind. He does not envy, He does not boast, He is not proud. 5 He does not dishonor others, He is not self-seeking, He is not easily angered, He keeps no record of wrongs. 6 The Father does not delightin evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 He always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.8 The Father never fails...."
We went on to pray for a couple of sick people, and in the process of praying for something else entirely, my wife was healed of a problem and we were not even praying for her on this issue! God is strange sometimes! And that is why we love Him!I talked about The Humanity of Christ in the light of the Trinity.Much was discussed and much was debated. But we had a lot of fun and wishing more came to the events! We can handled two to three times the amount we had.
So we hope that you all will prepare now for the events coming up in 2016. We'll come up with a new theme later (anywhere between now and 11 and a half months from now). So hurry!

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