Cleveland Nude

I started this group as a way to meet other Cleveland nudes and for anyone who becomes a member. We don't seem to be a very large group so it would be cool for us all to get to know one other.

ArtDay Cleveland 1.8.2011

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Fancy yourself an artist? Ever want to TRY to be an artist? This Saturday, 8 January 2011 we're holding our first ArtDay Cleveland event - Nudes Drawing Nudes. It's not necessary to have any particular talent, as we're looking to have a good time and create 'organic' (au Naturel) art in an entirely new environment. We feel that if a model can be nude, why can't the artist as well? The 3-hour session will run from 2-5 PM at the yoga studio at West 54th and Detroit. We prefer dry materials (chalk, pastels, pencil, etc), however paints will be permitted with a dropcloth so we don't mess up the studio. Though this isn't a class, there will be someone on hand to help with basic drawing techniques. Anyone over 18 is cordially invited to attend our seminar. Please e-mail me at for further information or if you have any questions. Come out and help us make this a fun and successful event.

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