Clothes Free Kitchen And Naked Wine

This group is for naturist cook/chef to talk about clothes free cooking experiences and share recipes wine pairing and wines they enjoy to cook with and drink

Delicious mankini recipe from my favourite website.

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Ive just made this; its delicious. Best cooked and eaten naked with rice (puffed as per the recipe, or cooked very gently over a low heat: one part rice to 2 parts water until all the water is absorbed).

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RE:Delicious mankini recipe from my favourite website.

Ive just made this; its delicious. Best cooked and eaten naked with rice (puffed as per the recipe, or cooked very gently over a low heat: one part rice to 2 parts water until all the water is absorbed).

Aren't most foods best cooked and eaten naked?

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RE:Delicious mankini recipe from my favourite website.

Oh, it's makhani, not mankini. Makes more sense.

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RE:Delicious mankini recipe from my favourite website.

Oh, it's makhani, not mankini. Makes more sense.

I made the same mistake at first glance

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