Dr. Who

If you are fan of Dr. Who become a member and discuss the show/characters/actors.

50th Anniversary Special

So - should we have nude party - or a virtual nude viewing party?

New Doctor Announcement

So what does everyone think of the new Doctor? I like the fact that he is older (only 6 yrs younger then me) and the fact that he has Dr Who and Torchwood experience.

Doctor Who audios

Does anyone on here listen to the now impressive range of Doctor Who audios produced by Big Finish ? They really are terrific and feature continuing adventures with Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Paul McGann with soon to be released...

New Season Coming

Saw the trailer is out for the new season.... https://youtu.be/P8YLb4Z4jU0 Can't wait.

Season Six Part 2

In the US Season Six restarts on August 27. There is a new trailer on the BBC America website.

Favourite Master?

Classic series: Roger Delgado (of course), Eric Roberts New Who:Derek Jacobi, John Simm

A little Trivia

I thought I would try out a trivia game. I will put up a reasonably easy question, and after a while, I will give answer. Maybe we can make it into a game with points (all for fun, of course). I will let the one who started this group. What Type #...

If you could travel in time...

what historical event would you like to see in person? Or would you rather go into the unknown future?

Favorite Doctor?

So far, there have been 11 actors that portrayed our favorite Time Lord. Which one was your first? Which one is your favorite? The first show I saw was Planet of the Spiders (Pertwee's last show). I had seen ads with Tom Baker, so it confused me...