Everyday Naked Living

Requirements to join!! Absolutely "NO" Private, Or "This user only allows picture/video access to friends," Blank or Empty profiles. Must have at least 2 full frontal nude photos including your face. "MUST BE CERTIFIED!"MUST BE CERTIFIED!". For true nudists who want to meet or share with other true nudists!

Who saw you naked last?

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Other than a spouse, who was the last one to see you naked. In my case, it was a neighbor, who watched me cutting the grass in my back yard. As my mower is gas powered, I was concentrating what I was doing. When I finally noticed her, I turned off my mower and walked towards my house to get something to put on. She asked where I was going, as I hadn't finished cutting the grass. She then told me she had watched me before from her window and she was perfectly fine with me walking around my yard nude. She said she wished she had the confidence to do the same. Who knows. maybe one day she will join me for a nude drink. Who saw you naked last?

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

So, I took a bit of a risk yesterday and went to the mailbox with just a t-shirt on yesterday. Most of my neighbors were at work so I thought it would be okay. When I went out the door I didnt see anyone around. As I was taking the mail from the box I hear a woman yelling behind me. She was walking her dog and had been hidden by some trees. As I gathered my mail and went back to my house Im sure she could only see my butt, but she was all freaked out. She went home and called the police on me. The officer who knocked on my door was cool about it, but said the woman was upset. I apologized and he told me not to worry about it.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

Missed the Amazon guy walking up to deliver a package to the door. I was re- hanging a picture and dusting the others over the front window, when I got off the stool, he was on the porch and just waved at me. I waved back and then asked my wife, "can you go out on the porch and look inside and tell me how much you see of me!?" She did and came back in and said... "everything!!" ;DDDDD Oh well!

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

My next door neighbor

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

My next door neighbor

any reaction Cowboy!?

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

She was a little surprised but it doesnt bother her, in fact now that its now in the open I have been in her house undressed, had dinner several times together now....its been very relaxing. Its not her cup of tea but she has no problem with me being in her place naked

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

What a cool neighbor! Keep workin' on her. You might get her to at least give it a try on her own!

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

No kidding very cool neighbor...a little at a time....

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

Bone head maneuver today!

We had to send some pictures of an appliance we bought to get some support for an issue we are having. The company asked for a picture of an error code on the touch screen. I took the picture and sent it along with other info and pictures they requested. What I didn't realize til I sent the pic of the touch screen was that my naked reflection was in the picture. The appliance is round and the picture is not clear but to me and Di, it's clear my naked reflection is in the shot! Oh well... they probably won't even notice. ;DDD

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

I just got finished textin wife my sister texted me after we got done i relized I never sent my wife my nude pic of the day to her so I sent a pic to her and went back to work about 10 minit's latter my phone beeps I had sent my nude pic to my sister instead

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

My sister knows about me being a nudists , the only thing she said was she was with a not her person from work when she first got the notice good thing she waited to open it

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