Fish Nature Camp

Naturalists (naturist and nudists) who want to visit Fish Nature Camp for recreational use such as camping, hiking,kayaking,skinny dipping and neckkid tractor driving. it's a peaceful setting for yoga and tai chi, zumba gets a little louder. The horses roam free, and wildlife abounds. The Fish River runs through the farm.

MINERAL SOAK ready in june

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FISH NATURE CAMP is pleased to announce the spa mineral soak. Custom mixes of salts , oils and herbs are now available. The solar tank is loaded with the blend, then transferred to the hot tub for a delightful outdoor soaking next to Little Gin Creek. A truly wonderful experience!

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Silverhill Association of Rude Nudists

NOT NECESSARILY !! Generally, SARN members are very polite ! Merriam -Webster first definition of " rude " is being in a rough or unfinished state. 1 b. Naturaul, raw. 1c. Primitive, undeveloped. 1d. Simple, elemental. SO, really you could say we are the Silverhill assn. of Elemental Nudists, but that would be SAEN which is harder to pronounce. Lol..

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