Fish Nature Camp

Naturalists (naturist and nudists) who want to visit Fish Nature Camp for recreational use such as camping, hiking,kayaking,skinny dipping and neckkid tractor driving. it's a peaceful setting for yoga and tai chi, zumba gets a little louder. The horses roam free, and wildlife abounds. The Fish River runs through the farm.

SALLY kicked our collective asses !

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BUTT, we're still here ! Visitors to Fish Nature Camp will be seeing some BIG changes ! Nice open spaces where the tornado went through the forest. Huge sand deposits when the river flooded, and of coures, Little Gin Creek went wild and took out the banks and roads. Ft, BBQ was not harmed, but lots of trees all around. Big Bonfires will begin in October, and free camping for volunteers. Just wait until power is restored. ( about a week, give or take a couple of weeks. Lol..) Everyone is okay and in great spirits from bathing in the creek !

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RE:SALLY kicked our collective asses !

Glad to learn that you are okay. We came down the Saturday before to prep the house before the storm. The neighbor called to say it looks like we didn't have damage. Work has been busy, including weekends, for the last month and a half and will continue for another month. We hope to get down as soon as possible.

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RE:SALLY kicked our collective asses !

Hi Jetski, we stayed at your RV camp 2 summers ago with the (too) big motor home. Glad to hear that you and yours survived Sally. Hope that you are back up and running smoothly soon. Thanks again for your hospitality, friend! Mel and Mike

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