Foreskin Restoration!

A group for circumcised guys that are trying to restore their foreskins. The aim of the grup is to for a discussion group and to assist other men who share the same interest

fell off the wagon

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how many times have you started restoring than stopped. well i was doing good up to about a month ago and stopped again plan to start back monday . i can't count the times i've fallen off the wagon.

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RE: fell off the wagon

been back to restoring for several months now mainly tugging but see some progress when flaccid, i'm not giving up this time.

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RE: fell off the wagon

I was thinking about the times when I have taken a break from stretching and feeling like I also had fallen off the wagon. This process takes a long time and not every man can pull everyday or have the same daily commitment. For me it seems that when taking a short break from pulling the skin grows quicker than if I am pulling a lot. On and off seems to work well for my particular body but I am not sure about all men?I am committed to the process but since for so long I have already had negative feelings attached to my circumcision I think it best for me personally never feel bad again or like I fell off the wagon just because I have not pulled recently. I don't want to continue to judge myself so harshly for something that was done to me.....

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RE: fell off the wagon

i've never felt anything negative about my circumcision and if given the choice i wouldn't have wanted it done but now that i have more information on it i do want to try to get growth back luckily the doctor who cut me left alot more skin than others i have read about. in the morning and when sitting relaxed and flaccid i have coverage of about 90% of my penis so if i stick with it and continue to tug and maybe get a device with time it my happen.

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RE: fell off the wagon

I have only taken extended breaks, as long as a couple of weeks without any major efforts of restoration, though I ALWAYS wear a retainer so my glans stays covered.

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