G0y Men Who Enjoy Nude Bonding

A group for nudists guys who call themselves g0y who are also looking for other g0y nudists. That's spelled with a zero.

Today I learned there's a name for it!

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I'd never heard the word g0y before stumbling across this group, and it's wonderful. I'm gay, but all my male nudist hangout buddies are straight/bi men who are - I know now - g0y. Bonding with them is much more satisfying than actual gay sex. Sharing ourseles in aked affection and male camaraderie is incredibly fulfilling.

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RE:Today I learned there's a name for it!

I also love hanging nude with straight or bi guys. Just chatting and finding a common bond while nude is very fulfilling. Love to do more of that.

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RE:Today I learned there's a name for it!

Sounds good to me. Perhaps we can make that happen. We are reasonably close to each other. Thoughts?

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RE:Today I learned there's a name for it!

I have a few friends that I love bonding nude with them but being military friends it is difficult to meet up anymore. But the memories of hanging out naked together either in South Korea, Ft Lewis., or Iraq are my favorite memories.

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