Naturists And Nudists, Portland, Or

This group is for nudists who live within a reasonable driving distance of the greater Portland Oregon, Vancouver, Washington areas, who are interested in meting others for platonic nude recreation and friendship. Please use this group to organize local nude events, groups and/or carpools to the local nude beaches and other nude places. Also feel free to post events for local nudist clubs or plan...

Breaking the Barrier

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I finally breach the barrier between being a home nudists and a social
nudist yesterday afternoon. I decided that on the last day of 90 degree
weather, for Portland and the surrounding areas, I would spend it on
Collins Beach on Sauvie Island. I was extremely nervous and almost
talked myself out of going, on the way I picked up this lovely woman
thumbing for a ride. Just one more thing to add to my attempt at pushing
past my comfort zone, it was the 2nd best decision I made that day. I
don't know what I was expecting but it certainly was not what I
experienced. After spending an afternoon with my new friend on the beach
amongst so many others and not feeling embarrassed or ridiculed has
changed me, I can't believe it took me so long to go and I cannot wait
to go back. Now all I need is more friends, that share in my enjoyment
in social nudity, that I can frequent the beach and other places with.

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Breaking the barrier

I am jealous, i was all set to go to Collins today and tomorrow but the weather turned to crap. You are lucky you got there when you did.

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RE: Breaking the barrier

I know huh, the weather just turned to crap, overnight, and I was so looking forward to going again before the winter season began, oh well. I wonder if there is an Oregon version of a Polar Bear club, that would be kinda cool.

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RE: Breaking the Barrier

First of all i am glad to hear that RecntlyLibr8d has come to enjoy getting out, and as for making new friends to get out to the beaches, or nudist club events, that is what this group is for.
In answer to the question about the size of Collins Beach, as by another member, The size of the beach depends on the water level. This last year the water levels have been on the high side, putting what woudl normally be beach area under water. However, i I like Collings because because the parking is much closer to actual beach area and Collins has fewer swingers than does RR. Also Collins has fewer annoying bugs, as there are fewer places with standing water. It seems at RR unless you hike out all the way to Sand island, you are barraged with bugs. However, i live much closer to RR, and because i don't drive and have to rely on rides, I have ended up there more often.

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RE: Breaking the Barrier

Is Sauvie's a good place? I heard it was tiny, very crowded. I've become spoiled with RR. Lots of room for everyone.....I have found that it depends, not only on the water level but also, on the type of nudist that you are, I myself like to be in the thick of things and surrounded by a lot of different people, nude or otherwise; I like the potential for social interaction with others to be high. I'm also a people watcher so I like there to be a lot of people to watch. (I'm a social nudist that doesn't necessarily have to be talking to anyone but likes being in a social environment)

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