Gunnison Beach Nudists

You must go to Gunnison Beach and now you must have a picture of you at Gunnison Beach posted in this group.

Nude beach Monday 6/18

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Hey thinking about taking the ferry to the beach on Monday. It'll be my first time going. Anyone want to join and/or offer some tips or advice? Thanks!

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RE:Nude beach Monday 6/18

Have fun. Its going to be a nice hot day on Monday. I wish I could go. But will be working on Monday. In July and August I will be going either on a Monday or Tuesday depending on the weather. Maybe we meet up down there then.

As for tips, just be yourself and act like you would on any clothed beach. Rangers will arrest you for doing stuff not appropriate for the beach.

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RE:Nude beach Monday 6/18

Have fun. Its going to be a nice hot day on Monday. I wish I could go. But will be working on Monday. In July and August I will be going either on a Monday or Tuesday depending on the weather. Maybe we meet up down there then.

As for tips, just be yourself and act like you would on any clothed beach. Rangers will arrest you for doing stuff not appropriate for the beach.

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