Talk Man To Man

This group has been created for the men out there who don't ask questions or speak about issues.Because men don't speak to eachorher about stuff, they don't realise that certain things is normal or not normal."Is this suppose to happen?" "Am I the only one?"Feel free to start topics, even if you're just curious about things.Woman talk to eachother all the time...

Gay Naked Guys with Straight Naked Guys

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So, how many of us, gay or straight, have hung out naked with others who are gay or straight? I've hung out with my gay friends, naked, but not with my straight friends, naked.

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RE:Gay Naked Guys with Straight Naked Guys

Having come across this subject again, as one of my friends posted to it, it is nice to see that regardless of our orientation, there are those that do enjoy the actual company of other men but again, this thing about using the 'gay' 'straight' 'bi' is not something that we have to say, now is it? Can we get past the label and say, hey lets just be us and enjoy the company. If you can, then from my experience, you do have the mind set that accept others for who they are not what label they are. It was nice to go back and read post to include my own.

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RE:Gay Naked Guys with Straight Naked Guys

Having come across this subject again, as one of my friends posted to it, it is nice to see that regardless of our orientation, there are those that do enjoy the actual company of other men but again, this thing about using the 'gay' 'straight' 'bi' is not something that we have to say, now is it? Can we get past the label and say, hey lets just be us and enjoy the company. If you can, then from my experience, you do have the mind set that accept others for who they are not what label they are. It was nice to go back and read post to include my own.

I was in Fort Lauderdale for a week and worked out and swam nude at The Club 3 times. I know it is mostly for gay and bi men but I wanted the opportunity to exercise and swim nude. Didn't care about anyone's preferences.

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RE:Gay Naked Guys with Straight Naked Guys

Also got a nude haircut with a nude gay barber. He gave me a good haircut. Again, orientations don't matter

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RE:Gay Naked Guys with Straight Naked Guys

I've hung nude out nude with a lot of guys. I often don't know whether they are gay, straight, bi, or g0y -- as it really doesn't matter. Nonetheless, it seems like gay men tend to be more open to nudity than straight men. That may not actually be true, but that's what I seem to have observed.

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RE:Gay Naked Guys with Straight Naked Guys

I have also been to a few nude mostly male social gatherings that included straight, gay and bi men.

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RE:Gay Naked Guys with Straight Naked Guys

I have always hung out naked with any of my friends, gay straight, or other. I am as natural and comfortable naked as others with clothes. I have always been that way. Many friends, anywhere on the sexuality spectrum, who are comfortable with my nudity and not so much their own have grown to be comfortable with me being naked even if they are not. I have some pretty cool friends I suppose. I know many straight nudist I have grown to become friends with have told me that my chill, open vibe makes being together comfortable enough for them to open up about discussing any sort of topic with me. Some have shared and/or explored some of their own sexual questions and/or curiosities with me. Being a man who is gay all of my life, my belief and experiences all seem to validate that we are all just men. As much as nudity can strip away barriers that culture and society have placed on us, men of any sort of sexual identity and/or curiosities are just men. We all need each other for a variety of reasons. Men need to get beyond sexual hang ups about ourselves and each other and realize, men have the same needs for physical, mental and emotional well being. As society has made male bonding seem "gay", it is an essential human need. I grew up in the old school YMCA. Men had a place to be men, around men without the "censoring", or criticism of "outsiders". Men need places to bond with other men, regardless of seual orientation.

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RE:Gay Naked Guys with Straight Naked Guys

Jimincharleston: Love it! Well said!

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